
Hotel Industry

What Revenue Management Trends and Strategies will we see in 2023?


Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What are your predictions for the revenue management trends and strategies we can expect to see in 2023? Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Chaya Kowal - Director of Revenue Management, Potato Head Family Dermot Herlihy - Owner, Dynamic Hospitality Consulting Ricardo Sereno - Revenue Manager, Altis

What Revenue Management Trends and Strategies will we see in 2023?2023-12-06T13:37:22+01:00

Hotel Management Companies: Top 8 Biggest Hotel Management Companies


Hotel management companies are a huge component of the hotel industry. These companies operate hotels for hotel owners. They range from small organizations that operate one or two establishments to large global businesses managing hotels all over the world. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about the eight most significant hotel management companies in today's industry.

Hotel Management Companies: Top 8 Biggest Hotel Management Companies2024-06-01T15:25:20+02:00

Moving Ahead Towards The Light: The Hospitality Industry’s New Trials and Possibilities


There's no doubt that 2022 brought terrific developments for the hospitality industry. Most countries reopened their borders and did away with travel restrictions, and demand matched or even exceeded 2019 levels. However, it's not smooth sailing all around. Our sector faced many ongoing challenges due to the pandemic, and some new issues cropped up, too. What could have been the

Moving Ahead Towards The Light: The Hospitality Industry’s New Trials and Possibilities2023-12-06T13:38:33+01:00

How To Upsell Throughout the Traveler Journey (+5 Best Practices)


Upsells are a simple, straightforward way to drive more revenue, increase engagement, and build customer loyalty. Implementing the right upsell strategy can improve the guest experience and your bottom line. Lodging businesses that leverage the power of upsells can increase guest satisfaction by allowing guests to customize their stay, build customer loyalty through personalized experiences, and mitigate external risks with

How To Upsell Throughout the Traveler Journey (+5 Best Practices)2023-12-06T13:38:53+01:00

4 Key Metrics for Your Hotel’s Direct Channel Success


Data analytics is, of course, helpful to better understand your hotel’s direct channel performance, but what’s most useful is being able to compare your results to the market to identify potential growth drivers. The Benefits of Hotel Benchmarking Hotel benchmarking enables you not only to access competitive insights but to make better-informed decisions and take action in those areas that

4 Key Metrics for Your Hotel’s Direct Channel Success2023-12-20T18:39:52+01:00

7 ways to Optimize Your Hotel’s Distribution Strategy


Consistently placing your inventory in the most profitable channels is essential for successful distribution. Yet distribution remains one of the most complex tasks facing hoteliers. Hotel profitability is correlated directly with the deployment of effective distribution strategies, ones that are resilient and adaptable to real-time. Here are a few ways for your hotel's distribution team to strengthen its approach. Seven

7 ways to Optimize Your Hotel’s Distribution Strategy2023-12-06T13:40:03+01:00

Best Practices for Marketing a Hotel’s Non-Accommodation Areas


Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel What are your best practices for marketing a hotel/resort’s non-accommodation areas, e.g., spa, golf, etc.? How can hotels creatively target niche audiences for these areas, especially in low season? Our Marketing Expert Panel Joanne Greene - Hospitality Expert Jolien Alferink - Hotel Marketing Consultant, Orange

Best Practices for Marketing a Hotel’s Non-Accommodation Areas2023-12-06T13:40:46+01:00

Hotel Websites Where Hoteliers Can Sell Packages (Including Examples)


Hotel rooms don't sell themselves. Hoteliers need to embrace a wide range of tactics to ensure optimum occupancy. Package deals are a great way to entice guests to book at your hotel. Advertising packages online is a good idea to ensure that your package deals get the best visibility. Here are some of the top websites where you can market

Hotel Websites Where Hoteliers Can Sell Packages (Including Examples)2024-06-01T15:30:56+02:00

How do Reputation Scores and Revenue Management Influence each other?


Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What are the links between hotel reputation scores and revenue management? How do they influence each other? (Question proposed by Pablo Torres)  Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Pablo Torres - Director Of Sales Marketing, Alannia Resorts Chaya Kowal - Director of Revenue Management, Potato Head

How do Reputation Scores and Revenue Management Influence each other?2023-12-06T13:41:28+01:00

The 4 Most Important Housekeeping Trends for 2023


Much has been said about the hospitality trends you will see everywhere in 2023. The return of business travel, short-term booking windows, swift tech adoption as hotels try to do more with less… But let's discuss trends in housekeeping, a department abundant with opportunities for streamlining and growing your hotel business, and how to best adopt them in your hotel.

The 4 Most Important Housekeeping Trends for 20232024-01-18T17:06:37+01:00

Revenue Management Guide: Calculating Costs & Quality Analysis


As a hotelier, you know many factors go into your room rates. Three of those factors are your costs, current demand, and your hotel’s online visibility. Revenue management is the science of assessing these and other factors and raising your profitability year after year. This article offers a guide to analyzing your costs and improving your analysis with the goal

Revenue Management Guide: Calculating Costs & Quality Analysis2025-02-23T11:55:10+01:00

How To Leverage Data Across 4 Key Hotel Departments


There is no shortage of data in the hospitality industry. From travelers browsing your website to entering information on OTAs and post-stay surveys, hoteliers collect immense amounts of hotel data daily. For this data to be useful, it must be organized and filtered, so it's decipherable and helps guide decision-making. Decisions Based on Business Intelligence Using data analytics, hoteliers can

How To Leverage Data Across 4 Key Hotel Departments2023-12-06T13:46:11+01:00

Break Siloes and Foster Synergies to Optimize Hotel Profits


Hotels looking to optimize profits must break the silo mentality. They must align their teams and synchronize their knowledge. In this article, you'll learn how to break siloes and foster synergies to optimize hotel profits. Steps to Creating a Connected Commercial Organization The movement toward commercial revenue is a good start. Many hotels have brought sales, marketing, revenue management, and

Break Siloes and Foster Synergies to Optimize Hotel Profits2023-12-06T13:46:29+01:00

How to Use Food and Beverage F&B Data to Increase Hotel Revenue


Food and beverage (F&B) data is considered a gold mine in the hospitality industry. From the moment your guests make an online reservation, to the time they leave your restaurant, your POS system or an advanced reservation platform generates valuable guest data. In this article, you'll learn how to use F&B data to improve guest experience, ultimately increasing hotel revenue.

How to Use Food and Beverage F&B Data to Increase Hotel Revenue2023-12-06T13:48:22+01:00
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