¿Que aprenderás?

El uso de datos para impulsar conocimientos y decisiones en su hotel puede posicionarlo para el éxito comercial, ayudar a aumentar la satisfacción de los huéspedes y reducir costos. Esta lista de verificación proporciona un punto de partida para los hoteleros nuevos en el análisis de datos en la industria hotelera.

It takes the reader in small steps, from conceptualizing how they want to use data through collecting and processing data to eventually presenting it to make a decision. The process includes bite-size steps that are easy to interpret and action.

The most successful recipe is to start with focused use of data in several key areas of your (commercial) operations and expand your activity over time.

Lista de verificación gratuita

You will receive a free checklist that clearly shows how to integrate data usage in your Hotel’s commercial operations so you can make smarter business decisions to increase revenue.