Adopting smart technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in the hotel industry has been a growing trend in the last few years, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent staff shortages. Tools that enhance operational efficiency and appeal to guests are becoming increasingly popular – but how do you start choosing one that suits your hotel brand best?

Catch up with AI to Avoid Staying behind Your Guests’ Expectations

According to a recent report by PwC, 70% of hotel managers are now turning to technology to automate operations and improve efficiency. While the hospitality sector will always value the human touch the most, travelers are starting to appreciate technological support. The same study reported that over 60% of travelers are open to using a chatbot.

The fit of conversational AI for hotel guest communications was already explored at Revfine, leading to the conclusion that embracing conversational AI is not just about innovation anymore but increasingly about meeting newly established standards of guest experience.

Ten Steps for Getting Started with AI-Based Solutions

Here is a step-by-step checklist to help you get started with the implementation of AI-based solutions at your properties.

Step 1: Identify Your Hotel’s Needs

  • Assess your goals realistically. Determine what you want to achieve with AI. Common goals include improving guest experience, increasing retention, personalizing offers, enhancing operational efficiency, automating processes, and boosting revenue.
  • Consider your hotel’s characteristics. Factor in your hotel’s type, size, location, and target guest profile. The best AI solutions for hospitality should offer a wide range of customizations, so don’t settle for a one-size-fits-all approach.

Step 2: Evaluate Integration Capabilities

  • Check compatibility. Ensure the AI solution integrates seamlessly with your existing hotel software, such as your Property Management System (PMS) or booking engine.
  • Future-proofing: Look for solutions compatible with other systems you may want to add in the future.

Step 3: Test the Interface for Usability

  • User experience. Evaluate the AI tool’s interface. It should be intuitive and user-friendly for both your guests and hotel staff. An easy-to-use system enhances guest satisfaction and ensures your team can operate it efficiently.
  • Team training. Ensure the solution is straightforward enough for your staff to learn and use with minimal training. For more advice on ensuring a successful technology adoption, read our guide to introducing hotel teams to AI tools.

Step 4: Check the Customer Support Offer

  • Customer success team. Verify that the solution provider offers dedicated, responsive customer support. Your teams need to be well-trained and supported throughout the implementation and usage phases. Look for official certificates from industry benchmarking platforms.
  • Check for available resources like a help center or knowledge base that your staff can access anytime for training and troubleshooting.

Step 5: Ensure Data Privacy and Cyber Security

  • Ensure the AI solution complies with data privacy regulations such as GDPR. Data security is paramount as the solution will handle sensitive guest information. Do not hesitate to ask the AI tool provider detailed questions.
  • Look for solutions that use HTTPS or similar protocols to secure communications between guest devices and servers.

Step 6: Measure and Analyse Performance

  • Actionable insights. Choose a solution that provides detailed analytics and performance metrics. This data will help you track progress, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions.
  • Reporting tools. The solution should offer comprehensive reporting features to monitor the performance of both the AI and your team.

Step 7: Opt for a Solution Provider Dedicated to Innovation

  • Ongoing improvements. Select a solution that is continually updated and improved. This ensures you have access to the latest features and advancements in AI technology. In the case of conversational AI, look for self-learning and generative AI
  • Future features. Investigate the roadmap or strategic directions for future development to ensure the solution will continue to meet your needs.

Step 8: Gather Opinions and Feedback

  • Peer reviews. Seek feedback from other hoteliers who use the solution. Their experiences can provide valuable insights.
  • Independent reviews. Check independent review platforms for unbiased reviews and ratings.
  • Case studies. Look for case studies and testimonials to see how the solution has benefited other hotels.

Step 9: Assess the Cost and Potential ROI

  • Ensure the AI solution fits within your budget. Consider both initial setup costs and ongoing expenses.
  • Ask the provider to help you understand the potential return on investment and how to best approach calculating it if it is not a straightforward process.

Step 10: Brand Values Alignment

  • Shared values. Check if the company’s values and culture align with yours. For example, does it have environmental concerns and promote a good work ethic? Choosing a brand also means supporting its values.
  • Specialization in hospitality. Look for a solution provider that focuses specifically on the hospitality industry, like HiJiffy, to ensure they know hoteliers’ current challenges.

Benefits of Implementing an AI-Based Solution

It’s worth recapping the key benefits of introducing conversational AI at your hotel to keep you focused on the bigger picture throughout the implementation process.

  1. Improved guest experience: AI enhances customer relationships through personalized, instant interactions, covering the entire guest journey from booking to departure.
  2. Increased guest retention: Quality guest experiences increase satisfaction and loyalty. AI can also strengthen your loyalty program.
  3. Personalization of offers and services: AI analyses guest data to offer tailored campaigns. Travelers highly appreciate personalization.
  4. Improved operational efficiency: AI helps manage guest requests across different channels, prioritizing and assigning them to the relevant departments, facilitating teamwork.
  5. Process automation: Automate repetitive tasks like check-in/check-out and answering frequently asked questions, allowing staff to focus on higher-value tasks.
  6. Increased revenue: AI solutions boost direct bookings and upselling opportunities, enhancing revenue.

By following this checklist, you’ll choose the best solution tailored to your needs. Enhance efficiency, personalize services, and boost revenue – stay ahead in the competitive hospitality landscape and provide the gold standard of guest communications.

Free Report: Top 50 Hotel Guest Chat Questions

In this report, you’ll discover the top 50 topics of questions hotels received in the summer of 2023. The authors analyzed over 1.7 million conversations to identify the key categories of queries, emerging trends, and differences between various communication channels, like web chat, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, and more.

Click here to download the report “What Hotel Guests Really Want to Know – Top 50 Questions Asked“.

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This article is written by our Expert Partner HiJiffy

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