
Hotel Magazine

Hotel Magazine2020-07-08T20:21:49+02:00

What Hotel Revenue Management Innovations & Trends Can We Expect in 2022?

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What are the top innovations and trends in hotel revenue management that we can expect to see in 2022? Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Nikhil Roy - Revenue & Pricing Manager, Key Hospitality B.V. Paulo Aragao - Revenue Management Professional Sandra Gannon - Commercial Consultant, Revenue Puzzle Daniel Feitosa - University Teacher Revenue Management, Faculdade Roberto Miranda    Chaya Kowal -

Hotel Revenue Management Courses: Information + List of Educators

Hotel Revenue Management is a crucial part of running a hotel. You can maximize revenue and minimize your outgoings by effectively balancing supply and demand. A Hotel Revenue Management Course can help you understand this important topic. Hotel Revenue Management Courses will give you the tools and strategies you need. Learn about course providers and what studying Hotel Revenue Management can do for you. Table of Contents: What is Hotel Revenue Management Important, and Why

What Is Hotel Revenue Management?

For those operating in the hotel industry, revenue management is a key concept, as it enables hotel owners to predict levels of demand and optimize things like distribution and pricing in order to maximize financial results. In this article, you will learn more about hotel revenue management, why it is so valuable to hotel owners, and the necessary conditions for implementing a hotel revenue management strategy. Table of Contents: What is Hotel Revenue Management? Necessary

Tips for Hotel Revenue Forecasting in a Constant State of Uncertainty

The global hospitality industry has had its fair share of large-scale disruptions since COVID-19 first struck, and the hotel sector faces an uncharted recovery period ahead. Hoteliers can gain ground by using agile, accurate, and holistic revenue forecasting. Modern Tools for Modern Challenges Are you using outdated technology at your hotel? Advanced, cloud-based solutions will help fulfil your security, connectivity, accessibility, and monetary needs. Using accurate, real-time projections to look at actual occupancy and space

IHG Hotel Brands: List of InterContinental Hotels Group Brands

IHG Hotel Brands (InterContinental Hotels Group) encompass various hospitality options within over one hundred different countries. Because of its significance, as you learn about IHG you learn about the larger hotel ecosystem as a whole. Understanding the IHG hotel brand is especially important because of its wide reach. The full scope of the IHG encompasses such important and diverse options as the Regent, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn, and much more. In this article, you'll learn

Hygiene is the New Marketing Message for Hotels

With COVID-19 at the very forefront of most people's consciousness, it is vital for hotels and resorts to include hygiene information within their marketing content. After all, potential guests are now much more likely to make travel decisions with hygiene measures and other coronavirus safety concerns in mind. Read on to find out more about how hygiene is displacing other issues as the main marketing message for hotels to focus on. What is the Essence

5 Ways Big Data Can Help Those in the Hospitality Industry

Hotels and other hospitality companies are increasingly grasping the concept of big data and the numerous ways it can help them generate more revenue and deliver a better customer experience. In this article, you will learn more about big data, why it has become so important, and how it can

What are the Best Marketing Strategies for Hotels on a Budget?

Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel For hotels with a smaller budget, what marketing strategies carry the biggest impact? What could move the needle the furthest, but with the lowest amount of investment? (Question by Cory Falter) Our Marketing Expert Panel

Quantifying the Benefit of Using Revenue Management Software

When potential clients reach out to Revenue Management Software (RMS) companies, they often have the same question: “How much extra revenue will I make?”. To which the only honest answer is “We don’t know, exactly”. You may come across companies promising 30% or 50% more than you are receiving now.

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