
Hotel Magazine

Hotel Magazine2020-07-08T20:21:49+02:00

Time To Value: A Key Metric to Help You Identify The Best Tech for Your Hotel

Technology is becoming more and more ingrained into the daily operations of today’s hoteliers, with hotel technology itself evolving in leaps and bounds. As hotel tech platforms and tools become more advanced and marketing-savvy, it becomes increasingly difficult for hoteliers to sift through the noise to find the best tools to meet their specific needs. In this article, you'll learn how the Time to Value metric can help hoteliers to decide which technology or software

The Role of Hotel Reception Staff on Revenue Management

Your hotel can do everything right, but if your customers aren’t happy, that can lead to a loss of revenue. Why? Unhappy customers leave negative reviews, and that affects future bookings. The Importance of a Positive Hotel Reputation Recently, while browsing some online property reviews, one stood out. "... we were disappointed by the lack of clarity of the reception that at first had allowed us to keep the room until 16 x then change

The Five Boxes Your New Revenue Management (RMS) Should Check

Today things are different. There's a greater variety of more intuitive RMSs that are easy to use for your team and can be set up faster than legacy systems. Thanks to this development, finding an RMS doesn't have to be hard anymore. In the following article, you'll discover how to find the RMS that will help you do just that. Then, nothing will stand between you and optimized revenue, more efficient processes and higher profits.

Tips to Simplify Your Revenue Strategy With Analytics & Automation in 2021

As a revenue manager, analytics and automation probably aren’t new to you. But recent developments in tech, like predictive analytics, forward-looking data and live insights, take revenue management to a whole new level. Especially in the looming recovery phase, these capabilities can drastically increase your chances of success even with unpredictable markets. Leaving Historical Data Behind Before Covid-19, your historical data was a reliable base for forecasts and business predictions for the upcoming year. But

4 Expert Tips to Select the Right Chatbot for Your Hotel

From a look and feel-perspective, all chatbots look similar. However, some will deliver excellent service to your guests; others will generate frustration. If you want to make the right choice for your hotel or group, look for these essential decision criteria. This article provides four tips to help you choose the right chatbot to achieve your hotel(s) strategic goals. 4 Tips to Select a Chatbot Below are tips that help you select the right chatbot

8 Tips to Improve OTA Conversion Rates

In the highly competitive world of online hospitality, mastering the art of OTA listings is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. With most travelers making their accommodation decisions based on OTA rankings and reviews, understanding how to climb these ranks and convert interest into bookings is the key to success. Your OTA listing can distinguish between a filled room and one that remains empty. 8 Essential Tips to Help You Improve OTA Conversion Rates But

The Limits of Rules-Based Revenue Management Technology

There are automated revenue management decision-making systems, and then there are revenue management support tools that rely on a rules-based approach to setting and changing prices. While perhaps an efficient method for some proficient users, rules-based technology requires consistent manual intervention and will undoubtedly struggle as market conditions shift and

Unlocking Insights and Revenue Potential with Room-Type Analytics

In a hotel, understanding the dynamics of room types and leveraging this understanding can significantly impact revenue, profit, and guest satisfaction. Room-type analytics is a vital component of any hospitality Business Intelligence platform and offers hotels a deeper insight into their inventory’s performance. Data-driven decisions based on Room-Type Analytics enhance

Room Attendant Guide; Meaning, Job Description, Duties & Technology

The room attendant's role is vital to hotels because it can have a huge bearing on presentation and overall customer satisfaction levels. In this article, you can learn all there is to know about the job, including a definition, an outline of the key duties and responsibilities, and an overview

Role of a Revenue Manager is Shifting Thanks to Automation

Like much of our world today, the hospitality industry is constantly changing and evolving beyond what revenue managers and leaders of the past could have imagined. During unprecedented change, automation and new technology have become essential to successfully navigating the post-COVID hospitality landscape. Revenue Managers Becoming Strategists But with any

RMS System: An Overview of the Most Important Features

Revenue management is an important concept for those in the hotel industry. A revenue management system (RMS system) can go a long way towards ensuring you make informed decisions, based on evidence and data. In this article, you will learn more about RMS software, and the most important features to

Do Small Hotels Need a RMS? How to Overcome the 6 Challenges?

As a hotelier, you have a lot on your plate. From taking care of your staff and guests to managing your online presence, bills and housekeeping - it’s no easy task. But even so, it is imperative you do not overlook one of the most important things to manage: your

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