
Hotel Magazine

Hotel Magazine2020-07-08T20:21:49+02:00

How to Solve Staffing Shortages in the Hospitality Industry with Technology

Staffing shortages within the hospitality industry can hurt the quality of a business and the experience that customers or guests receive. However, the consequences of staffing issues can be greatly reduced through intelligent investment in technology. In this article, you can learn more about how technology can be deployed to solve staffing shortages or reduce the impact of lower staff numbers. Table of Contents: COVID-19 and Staff Shortages in the Hospitality Industry Reducing & Solving

Staffing Considerations for a Revenue Team

There is a recognized need for proactive revenue strategy and technology investment for many hotels. However, once the new technologies are integrated, there remains an open question: who’s going to keep this operation running smoothly and profitably as opening day approaches and beyond? Factors to Help You Identify the Best Staff Below you find some factors that will help you identify the best personnel and staffing approach to get your revenue operation started on the

Spa Software: How to Choose the Best Software for Your Spa?

Spa software is used within spas, beauty salons and similar businesses to manage day-to-day operations. The software typically allows you to manage bookings and finances, create employee schedules, and oversee inventory information. The importance of spa software lies in its ability to help staff manage important information. This includes data related to customer bookings and information relevant to spa employees. In this article, you can learn more about spa management software and why it is

Time To Value: A Key Metric to Help You Identify The Best Tech for Your Hotel

Technology is becoming more and more ingrained into the daily operations of today’s hoteliers, with hotel technology itself evolving in leaps and bounds. As hotel tech platforms and tools become more advanced and marketing-savvy, it becomes increasingly difficult for hoteliers to sift through the noise to find the best tools to meet their specific needs. In this article, you'll learn how the Time to Value metric can help hoteliers to decide which technology or software

The Role of Hotel Reception Staff on Revenue Management

Your hotel can do everything right, but if your customers aren’t happy, that can lead to a loss of revenue. Why? Unhappy customers leave negative reviews, and that affects future bookings. The Importance of a Positive Hotel Reputation Recently, while browsing some online property reviews, one stood out. "... we were disappointed by the lack of clarity of the reception that at first had allowed us to keep the room until 16 x then change

Revenue Management Guide: Calculating Costs & Quality Analysis

As a hotelier, you know many factors go into your room rates. Three of those factors are your costs, current demand, and your hotel’s online visibility. Revenue management is the science of assessing these and other factors and raising your profitability year after year. This article offers a guide to

Revenue Management in 2021 – Basing Every Decision On Data

In 2020, revenue managers were forced to make a massive shift. Instead of leaning on in-house on-the-books (OTB) data, historical and compset information, you now need to focus on much broader data sets. But collecting and evaluating more data takes your team more time. In this article, you'll learn how

Revenue Management Automation; Does it Answer All Your Questions?

Over the past year, many discussions about revenue management have come up. This raised the debate around the relevance and importance of historical data. And, of course, the corona crisis tested revenue professionals’ trust in automated tools like Revenue Management Systems (RMS). The latter brought many hotels great results despite

Revenue Management After COVID-19 – “Innovating Through Uncertainty”

Never before has a single event affected the global economy to the extent that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has. Revenue managers, owners, and operators have been thrown into disarray within the hotel industry, and all are facing a less predictable future. In this article, you will learn more about revenue

Revenue Management; clearly explained!

Revenue management is concerned with optimizing financial results and is especially popular in industries like hospitality, which must contend with high fixed costs and a perishable inventory. For example, hotels have a certain number of rooms and fixed costs, which must be met regardless of how many rooms are sold.

How to Use Guest Messaging to Increase Your Return on Experience?

Return on Experience (ROX) has been discussed widely and it is being referred to as “the new ROI” (Return on Investment). Compared with ROI, which directly measures the amount of return on a particular investment, ROX measures the soft business results that a great experience can generate. In this article

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