Why Simplifying Group Bookings Is the Secret to Business Hotel Success
Group bookings are vital for business hotels, but outdated, fragmented systems complicate the process. Managing accommodation, meeting spaces, and event services across multiple platforms often results in errors, wasted time, and client dissatisfaction. By adopting integrated technology, hotels can simplify operations, minimize mistakes, and improve profitability, ensuring they meet growing demand and operate more efficiently. Simplifying Group Bookings for Boosting Hotel Efficiency and Revenue Managing group bookings is often a double-edged sword for business hotels.
5 Signs Hotels Need a New Digital Marketing Partner
Partnering with a strong digital marketing agency can propel your property to new heights. But when that partner fails to innovate, falls short on reporting, or cannot adapt, the relationship can become an obstacle to growth. Here, you find five signs that it’s time to consider a new digital marketing partner, and how to find a synergetic fit. 5 Crucial Signs Hotels Need a New Digital Marketing Partner Your hotel’s digital marketing success hinges on
8 Signals Your Hotel Pricing Needs Adjustment
Recent studies reveal that prices perceived as unfair trigger discomfort in consumers, leading to reduced purchases, complaints, and negative reviews. Conversely, fair prices activate pleasure centers, enhancing customer satisfaction.[1] This underscores the importance of finding the sweet spot for your hotel's room prices: the perfect balance between attracting (happy) guests and maximizing revenue. Build a Foundation for Effective Hotel Pricing What's the right price for a business traveler might be the complete opposite of the
Is it Realistic to Focus on Profitability over Revenue?
Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: Is it realistic to focus on profitability over revenue? How should revenue management teams manage stakeholder expectations? Where might challenges arise? (Question by Diego Fernandez Perez De Ponga) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Diego Fernández Pérez De Ponga - Director of Revenue Management, Palladium Hotel Group Tanya Hadwick - Group Revenue & Yield Leader, SunSwept Resorts Massimiliano Terzulli - Revenue
Streamlining F&B Operations: Revenue Management Strategies for Success
In today's competitive landscape, optimizing revenue and maximizing profitability is crucial for success in the food and beverage (F&B) industry. F&B establishments need to implement effective revenue management strategies to achieve these goals. Streamlining F&B Operations Businesses can streamline their operations and enhance their financial performance by adopting a systematic approach to pricing, inventory management, and customer segmentation. In this article, you will discover the key revenue management techniques and strategies and their impact on
Strategies to Optimize Your Holiday Park’s Revenue Next Summer
Was your summer a revenue bonanza, or more of a busy bust? The summer busy season is undoubtedly a critical stretch for holiday park owners. For many, it's the time to bolster your budgets and make up for the slower months. While plenty of work must be done to ensure your next summer's guests have an excellent experience, it's also important to consider your approach to revenue management before this flurry of activity begins. Where
Small but Mighty: 3 Strategies to Increase Your Hotel’s Website Conversion
You've spent precious time and resources building the best hotel website, yet you're not seeing much of an improvement in converting those lookers into bookers? Your benchmarking insights show that your hotel's website conversion is underperforming compared to the market, but you're unsure how to act on it? In this article, you'll find 3 effective strategies to increase your hotel's website conversion and outperform the competition. 3 Quick-win Solutions That are Proven to Convert The
Pricing Your Rooms in 2022 – Getting The Best Results in Times of Uncertainty
Cast your minds back to midnight on new years eve. You probably weren’t thinking about your room pricing. But if you had been, would you have felt confident about how demand will play out this year? How much would you bet on being right? If you are in charge of
Which Matters Most for Winning Guests – Price or Loyalty?
Regardless of who you are, competition in the hospitality industry is increasingly fierce, and winning new customers is a major challenge even for experienced hoteliers. So, what makes the most significant difference in getting guests to stay at your hotel versus the one down the street? Is it price? Is
Practical Tips to Increase Hotel Sales When Demand is Low
In a low-demand context, hotels must focus on maximizing their conversion rate. A proactive sales strategy augmented by Artificial Intelligence (AI) proves instrumental in navigating these difficult times. Practical Ideas to Increase Direct Conversion Rates In these low-demand times, every reservation counts. Just making hotel direct booking easy from a
Changes in Post-Covid Breakdown of Direct Vs OTA Bookings for Hotels
Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: When reviewing the number of direct website bookings Vs OTA bookings, have you seen any difference in this breakdown post-Covid? Has there been a shift in B2B and B2C? (Question by Ricardo Sereno) Our Revenue
Boost Hotel Revenue by Understanding Post-Covid Guest Booking Behavior
The most challenging period the global hospitality industry has faced to date is finally over in most regions. Lockdowns and travel restrictions are largely a thing of the past, and people are comfortable traveling again. But guest booking behavior has shifted. In this article, you’ll learn about 4 data-driven insights
POS Systems: Overview and Importance in the Hospitality Industry
POS systems, or point of sale systems, can significantly enhance day-to-day operations for businesses in the hospitality industry, and they can also boost the customer experience too. In this article, you can learn more about a POS system, how it works, why it can be beneficial, and how you can