Meetings and Events Online Booking and Marketing Optimization Tips
Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel How can hotels optimize the online booking process for Meetings and Events? And how can they best market it? Our Marketing Expert Panel Peter Ricci - Clinical Associate Professor and Director, Florida Atlantic University Cory Falter - Partner and Visionary at Lure Agency Thom de Graaf - Online Marketing Specialist, The Orange Studio Luminita Mardale - Director Of Marketing And Business
Onboarding for Different Revenue Management Team Levels
Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: How Does the Onboarding Process of Revenue Management Teams Differ According to Level? Which Topics Should Be Emphasized for Each Level? (Question by Daniel Feitosa) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Heiko Rieder - Vice President Business Development, Hirmer Hospitality and Travel Charme Hotels Alenka McMahon - Managing Director, HOTEL REVENUE SERVICES LIMITED Patrick Wimble - Founder & Managing Director, Lightbulb Consulting
The On-Site or Remote Work Debate in Hotel Revenue Management
Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: As there has been a significant increase in hybrid and remote working over the last few years, should the role of revenue manager be on-site or remote? And why? (Question by Oleksii Kapichin) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Tamie Matthews - Sales & Marketing Consultant, RevenYou Connor Vanderholm - CEO, Topline Diego Fernández Pérez De Ponga - Director of Revenue Management,
Rethinking Off-Season: Revenue Strategies Hoteliers Need to Follow
Unless you’re operating a ski resort or fortunate enough to have a property located in a year-round warm-weather travel destination, the autumn and winter months can be particularly slow for hoteliers. These low-season booking conditions can lead to some hoteliers adopting an ‘a busy hotel is a successful hotel’ strategy, accepting lower-rated business and relying on the in-house spend on food & beverage, spa, and ancillary services to boost revenue. While it might seem like
Revenue Management Automation; Does it Answer All Your Questions?
Over the past year, many discussions about revenue management have come up. This raised the debate around the relevance and importance of historical data. And, of course, the corona crisis tested revenue professionals’ trust in automated tools like Revenue Management Systems (RMS). The latter brought many hotels great results despite the pandemic. This article describes how revenue managers can make the most of automation in revenue management to drive business during recovery. How Automation in
The Vital Role of Revenue Management and Brand Reputation
It’s an antiquated idea that revenue management works independently from sales and marketing. Each department impacts the other and influences the hotel’s overall profitability. Every business goal contributes to the bottom line. When the revenue-generating departments work together on shared goals, they can contribute to a fatter bottom line. In today’s world, hotel bookings start with getting found online. Without being found, the hotel won’t get the bookings. Once found, ratings and reviews encourage prospective
Revenue Management After COVID-19 – “Innovating Through Uncertainty”
Never before has a single event affected the global economy to the extent that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has. Revenue managers, owners, and operators have been thrown into disarray within the hotel industry, and all are facing a less predictable future. In this article, you will learn more about revenue management strategies' role in the post-COVID economy and some of the key trends resulting from the pandemic. Revenue Management and Adapting to Changing Times Due to
The Housekeeping Robots Driving Hospitality Industry Innovation
Housekeeping robots are machines capable of carrying out tasks typically associated with housekeeping departments, such as cleaning, tidying and moving objects. These machines are used to reduce the workload of housekeeping staff and improve operational efficiency. In this article, you can learn more about housekeeping robots and explore examples of
Housekeeping Responsibilities: Learn About the Hotel Cleaning Tasks
The housekeeping department within a hotel plays a vital role in ensuring guests feel comfortable, safe, and satisfied over the course of their stay. In this article, you can explore the various housekeeping responsibilities, learn about the tasks that housekeeping staff work on, and understand the true value of the
Housekeeping Job Description: Key Duties and Skills Required
Housekeeping jobs are some of the most vital positions within any business in the hotel industry, but there is sometimes some confusion about what these jobs entail and the skills needed. In this article, you will be able to read a detailed housekeeping job description so that you understand the
Housekeeping Duties: 8 Main Responsibilities of a Room Attendant
Hotel housekeeping is a vital part of any hotel business's operation; therefore, knowing the housekeeping duties is essential. The housekeeping department ensures guests can enjoy a clean, sanitary, and aesthetically appealing space when they come to stay. In this article, you'll learn all about the functions and duties of the
Housekeeping Department in Hotel Businesses: Why Is It So Important?
The housekeeping department in hotel businesses is one of the most important areas to focus on because it can directly impact customer satisfaction. In this article, you can learn about the impact housekeeping has on successful operations and access some helpful tips to optimize your housekeeping efforts. Table of Contents:
The little-known Housekeeping Data That Can Boost Your Hotel Business
Are you measuring housekeeping data? You should. Your guests or the activities drive the housekeeping services it takes to run the property. After all, a room must be cleaned because someone slept in it. So, to understand your property's operations, how costs are created, and how to improve, you need