
Hotel Magazine

Hotel Magazine2020-07-08T20:21:49+02:00

How Long Can a Guest Stay at a Hotel? Stay Lengths Explained

How long a guest can stay at a hotel is something that many people, both guests and hoteliers, ask. The answer needs to account for the types of service, amenities, comfort, and so much more. The subject is important since it touches on almost every aspect of the experience. Whether or not the hotelier and guest will consider their transaction successful is entirely dependent on first answering that underlying question. In this article, you'll learn

How Hotels Can Tackle Inflation and Boost Profitability

After a strong end to 2022 - with European hotel performance reaching 2019 levels - January 2023 saw energy costs peak in many countries. Coupled with a fall in demand, the increased expenses of hotel operations led to a fall in. Although there is evidence of recovery into Spring/Summer, hoteliers must be alert to ensure that 2023 is profitable. The Impact of Inflation The hospitality industry relies on demand - first for generating bookings and

The Rise of Experience-Based Travel and How Hotels Can Prepare

Traditionally, lodging properties spent much time and money implementing new amenities like fancy equipment or special devices to attract travelers. Many of these amenities were fads and ended up cluttering rooms or lying forgotten in storage. Since the pandemic, traveler priorities have shifted from one-off amenities to experience-driven travel. What Does This Mean for Lodging Operators? With this shift, hoteliers must abandon an amenity mentality and focus on different ways to deliver meaningful experiences that

How Hotels Can Combine Revenue Management and CRO?

One of the best and most common definitions of Revenue Management is “Selling the Right Room to the Right Client at the Right Moment at the Right Price in the Right Distribution Channel with the best commission efficiency”. Both Revenue Management and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) are data-driven, but they are slightly different. In this article, you can learn about the myths of CRO, how it relates to Revenue Management and how best to combine

Marketing to Millennial Travelers: 5 Strategies for Hotels in 2023 & Beyond

Marketing to millennial travelers has become a top priority for many hotels and resorts. The generation travels at higher rates than any other, but considering their unique shopping behaviors and expectations is a must. Here are five tips for successfully marketing to millennial travelers. Marketing to Millennial Generation Millennials are maturing. The oldest of the generation are now in their 40s, but these intrepid travelers show no sign of slowing. The millennial generation – typically

How Can Hotels Convey Sustainability Efforts in Marketing Messages?

Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel Today’s guests are growing increasingly aware of sustainability efforts in travel. What marketing messages best convey a hotel’s sustainability efforts? (Question proposed by Alessandro Inversini) Our Marketing Expert Panel Susanne Williams - Performance and Revenue Director, Journey Hospitality Daphne Beers - Owner, Your-Q Hospitality Academy Stephanie Smith-Sparks - Founder, Cogwheel Marketing Tamie Matthews - Revenue, Sales & Marketing Consultant, RevenYou Nicole

A Guide to Marketing Hotel Sustainability

Today’s travelers aren’t just better-educated and better-informed, they’re more concerned than ever about adopting responsible practices around their journeys. The upshot is that these savvy travelers actively seek experiences and accommodations that align with their values — especially concerning environmental and sustainability practices. Reasons Behind the Popularity of Sustainable Travel There are compelling reasons behind this trend. First, heightened awareness of climate change and its global consequences has prompted individual adventurers to make more responsible

Guest Expectations in 2024: 8 Trends You Should Be Aware of

As time passes and technology keeps evolving, we enter into a new era of guest expectations. It's no longer enough to simply meet their needs, and the challenge now lies in exceeding them. In this dynamic landscape, where every guest is an insightful traveler armed with high expectations, how can

Greeting and Welcoming Guests: How to Make a Great First Impression

Greeting and welcoming guests includes everything from a verbal introduction to providing a written welcome message. Your greeting may also involve leaving gifts, offering useful information and answering questions. The importance of these initial interactions is difficult to overstate because guests will often make snap judgments based on them. You

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