6 Hotel Mistakes That Destroy Your Guest Experience
The guest experience continues to be one of the main concerns for hoteliers. How do you improve it when the guests’ expectations are constantly changing? In this article, you’ll find six tips to avoid common mistakes that can destroy your guest experience. Guest Needs Are Constantly Evolving The times when all that cared was the location and good service are long gone. Today’s guests are more complicated, and they aim for much more than that.
How to Use Stay Restrictions in Hotel Revenue Management to Drive More Revenue
Restricting your guests’ ability to book the stay dates they want may not sound like the best idea initially. But depending on your hotel, audience, and market situation, stay controls can be a vital revenue management tool. On top of driving reservations on slower days, they can increase revenue, reduce turnover and drive profitability. Read on below to discover more about using stay controls to improve your property’s results. How Restriction Management Works at Hotels
Metaverse Travel: How the Metaverse Will Change the Travel Industry
Metaverse travel could revolutionize the way that people engage with the travel industry. Picture a scenario where you can explore a hotel in virtual reality (VR) while you sit in your home on the other side of the world. By creating three-dimensional models of real locations, metaverse travel will create new experiences and new ways for people to choose accommodations and activities. Table of Contents: What is the Metaverse? What is the Difference Between the
Hotel Packages: Tips to Optimize the Use of Hotel Package Deals
Hotel packages are helpful for hotels and their guests because they bundle a hotel room with other products or services that may interest them. For hotels, this provides upselling potential, while for guests, it means an improved guest experience and, often, greater value for money. In this article, you can learn about how hotel packages work, the different types of packages, and how to optimize their use. Table of Contents: What Is the Hotel Industry?
5 Trends to Be Aware of for Your Hotel’s Strategy
As guest expectations evolve, so too should the strategies hoteliers use to communicate with them. Understanding these changing expectations and valuing what guests want is the foundation of any communication strategy. 5 Crucial Guest Trends to Include in Your Hotel’s Strategy Let’s delve into these expectations, explore how you, as a hotelier, can adopt strategies to meet them and understand the role of communication in achieving this. Here are the guest trends you need to be aware of. 1. The Taylor Swift Phenomenon Taylor Swift had an impact on the hospitality industry, and it made everyone realize the power of
Best Practices for GDS Optimisation in Hotel Distribution Strategy
Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel What is your advice for using GDS as part of a hotel's overall distribution strategy? What tips or best practices can you share for getting the most out of your GDS? (Question from Nicole Sideris) Our Marketing Expert Panel Tamie Matthews - Revenue, Sales & Marketing Consultant, RevenYou Luminita Mardale - Director Of Marketing And Business Development, Vienna House Moriya Rockman
How Do You Take Your Hotel’s Data Game to the Next Level?
So, you are interested in hospitality data? In the current world of hospitality, data has become the cornerstone of strategic and tactical decision-making. This article explores how data and data tools can help transform operations across the hotel, improve communication and efficiency, and drive revenue and profit growth. Uncover the first steps to integrating analytics into your hotel's day-to-day for a competitive edge in the market. The Importance of Data in the Hotel Industry Using
Hotel Designs: Inspirations for Hoteliers for New Design Hotels
Hotel design is crucial to the success of a hotel business. It can be difficult to know where to start, especially if you're trying to re-imagine an existing hotel. In this article, you'll discover the importance of good hotel design and how it can help your business. You'll also read
Food Ordering System: How to Choose the Best One for Your Property?
A food ordering system is a system that allows a restaurant or similar business to accept, process, and manage orders for food from customers. In this article, you will be able to explore some common systems and understand the benefits of having a high-quality system in place for your business.
Hotel Concierge: Learn About Guest Services Representatives of a Hotel
A hotel concierge is a specialist customer service representative tasked with receiving guests, responding to guest needs, and helping to provide a pleasant all-around guest experience. In this article, you can learn more about a hotel concierge, what the role entails, and why these guest service reps are so valuable.