
Is AI the Answer to These Common Pain Points in Hospitality?

The hospitality industry, defined by its dynamic nature and customer-centric operations, faces complex challenges that range from operational efficiency to enhancing guest experiences. Hotel teams need to excel at repetitive mundane tasks as well as those requiring sublime care and creativity. As technology evolves, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a transformative tool, offering solutions that address these challenges while streamlining service delivery. This article explores how AI is reshaping the hotel industry and why

3 Key Questions for Evaluating RMS Options Before Budget Season

Hotel budgeting season is right around the corner, and many hoteliers are getting ready to roll up their sleeves and start making tough financial decisions as they look to align investment priorities with next year’s budget projections. This is often a challenging and time-consuming process, but it’s also an opportunity to think through a strategic vision and evaluate the tools and resources needed to achieve these goals. Investing in an RMS is a High Priority

The European Accessibility Act: What Hoteliers Need to Know

As the hospitality industry continues to evolve, it is crucial for hospitality businesses to stay head of the latest legislation impacting their operations.  One critical law that all hoteliers should be aware of is the European Accessibility Act (EAA). The EAA is a landmark EU directive that establishes common accessibility requirements for a wide range of products and services. With full enforcement coming in 2025, now is the time for hoteliers to understand the EAA's

The Myopic Pursuit of Channel ROAS: How to Avoid this Hotel Industry Pitfall

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the hotel industry finds itself at a crossroads. While embracing the digital revolution, many hoteliers have fallen into a trap that threatens to undermine their marketing efforts; an obsessive focus on individual channel return on ad spend (ROAS). This fixation, while seemingly logical, is creating a significant disconnect in the industry's approach to customer acquisition and retention, ultimately hampering growth and missing opportunities for deeper customer engagement. The Allure of Channel-Specific ROAS The allure of channel-specific ROAS is understandable. It provides a clear, quantifiable metric that appears to justify marketing spend. Marketers can

The Power of Modern Technology: Future-Proofing Your Hotel for Enhanced Guest Experiences

In an industry where guest expectations are continually evolving, the adoption of modern technology is no longer just an option—it's a necessity. For hotels, building a future-proof tech stack is essential to ensure that operations are not only smooth and efficient but also capable of delivering personalized services that create memorable guest experiences. By leveraging technology, hotel staff can focus less on manual tasks and more on what truly matters: connecting with guests. Streamlining Hotel

Hotel Welcome Message for Guests: How to Write + 5 Free Examples

A hotel welcome message for guests is a short message, which serves to greet guests and provide them with important information. These messages can be delivered physically or digitally. Learning to write a high-quality welcome message for guests is important because it helps to shape first impressions of your hotel. The message can also help you to highlight services and generate revenue. In this article, you will learn how to write a great welcome message

How to Maximize Hotel Revenue by Applying Open Pricing to Upselling

You probably already know that adjusting your room rates based on demand fluctuations can boost your revenue. But have you ever thought of applying this approach to upselling? And what about taking things yet another step further and using the principles of open pricing on upselling as well? Keep reading

5 Revenue Management Tips for Beach, City, Mountain, or Countryside Hotels

As a hotelier, you know your hotel faces unique revenue management challenges. Your location, primary types of travelers, and the season of the year all play into profitable pricing strategies. This article addresses specific ways to improve your revenue and profitability, regardless of location or seasonality. Revenue Management Tips for

5 Ways Technology Can Enhance the Guest Experience at Your Hotel

With 40% of Americans traveling more in 2024 (1), the hospitality industry has seen a significant surge in demand. This uptick in travel presents a golden opportunity for hotels to increase revenue — but to capitalize, they must differentiate themselves in a crowded market. In this article, you’ll learn how hotels

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