4 Website Personalization Tips for Luxury Hotels to Increase Direct Bookings
Brand identity significantly influences guests, with an even more significant impact in luxury hospitality, where brand image standards are higher. As a luxury brand, it's crucial to seduce potential guests and entice them to book on your hotel website by providing each visitor with a personalized online experience, with your brand's personality shining through at all times. 4 Ways How Luxury Brands Convert Guests from Lookers to Direct Bookers By accompanying your visitors and transmitting
How To Leverage Data Across 4 Key Hotel Departments
There is no shortage of data in the hospitality industry. From travelers browsing your website to entering information on OTAs and post-stay surveys, hoteliers collect immense amounts of hotel data daily. For this data to be useful, it must be organized and filtered, so it's decipherable and helps guide decision-making. Decisions Based on Business Intelligence Using data analytics, hoteliers can examine vital business intelligence information collected from sources, like their reservation system or Google Analytics,
Break Siloes and Foster Synergies to Optimize Hotel Profits
Hotels looking to optimize profits must break the silo mentality. They must align their teams and synchronize their knowledge. In this article, you'll learn how to break siloes and foster synergies to optimize hotel profits. Steps to Creating a Connected Commercial Organization The movement toward commercial revenue is a good start. Many hotels have brought sales, marketing, revenue management, and distribution under a single commercial revenue leader. But it's not a single person's job. It
How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Travel Industry
Artificial intelligence is constantly improving, making it more reliable and attractive as a business solution. In particular, businesses in the travel industry are taking advantage of AI to perform various administrative and customer service tasks. Here, you will learn the uses and benefits of artificial intelligence and explain how it is changing how travel companies operate. Table of Contents: Understanding Artificial Intelligence The Role of AI Within the Travel Industry Examples of AI Within the
5 Revenue Management Tips for Beach, City, Mountain, or Countryside Hotels
As a hotelier, you know your hotel faces unique revenue management challenges. Your location, primary types of travelers, and the season of the year all play into profitable pricing strategies. This article addresses specific ways to improve your revenue and profitability, regardless of location or seasonality. Revenue Management Tips for Beach, City, Mountain, or Countryside Hotels Some of these tips are essential to savvy revenue management practices regardless of location or seasonality. For instance, the importance of online visibility is universal. Without it, your guests won't find you, and you'll struggle with low bookings. Others focus on the specific concerns
Housekeeping Technology; The Latest Tech used in Hotel Housekeeping
Housekeeping technology is important in hotels because it can assist the housekeeping department with its core tasks while allowing the team to improve efficiency and track and report progress. In this article, you can learn about the latest technology used in the hotel housekeeping field. Table of Contents: What is the Hotel Industry? What is the Housekeeping Department? The Importance of the Housekeeping Department 9 Housekeeping Technologies You Should Know About 1. Artificial Intelligence 2.
Potential Impact of ChatGPT and other LLMs on the Booking Process
Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: How might the use of ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLM) affect the booking process? What impact might they have on revenue management? (Question by Massimiliano Terzulli) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Massimiliano Terzulli - Revenue Management Consultant, Franco Grasso Revenue Team Oleksii Kapichin - Revenue Management Professional Pablo Torres - Director, TEDUKA Tanya Hadwick - Group Revenue & Yield
11 Tour Agencies That Help Hotels to Grow Their Revenue
Partnering with a tour agency can have significant benefits for a hotel. It's important to choose a partner that's right for your hotel. In this article, you'll discover the pros and cons of partnering with a tour agency and learn about some of the top names in today's global tour
Hotel Budget Plan: Practical Budgeting Tips for Hoteliers
A hotel budget plan is a projection of financial earnings and expenditures over a defined period of time, allowing your hotel to understand its financial status and determine how much money is available for planned or unplanned projects. In this article, you will be able to learn more about what
Hotel Door Locks: The Main Lock System Types and Their Benefits
Hotel door locks are one of the most important considerations when providing security for a hotel and keeping guests safe. There are many different locking systems to choose from and your decision needs to factor in the benefits and drawbacks. On top of this, you also need to have an