
Room Attendant Guide; Meaning, Job Description, Duties & Technology

The room attendant's role is vital to hotels because it can have a huge bearing on presentation and overall customer satisfaction levels. In this article, you can learn all there is to know about the job, including a definition, an outline of the key duties and responsibilities, and an overview of associated technology. Table of Contents: What is a Room Attendant in a Hotel? The Importance of Hotel Housekeeping 5 Main Duties of a Housekeeping

Hotel Housekeeping Guide: 11 Tips & Tricks to Clean Your Hotel

Hotel housekeeping is one of the most important elements of customer service because all guests want to stay in a clean, tidy, comfortable, aesthetically appealing hotel that is organized or arranged appropriately. In this article, you can learn some tricks and strategies for keeping your hotel just as guests like it. Table of Contents: What is Hotel Housekeeping? Devising a Hotel Housekeeping Strategy Using Your Hotel PMS for Housekeeping Housekeeping Trolley: The Most Crucial Tool

How can Hotels Overcome Challenges around Rate Parity?

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: Rate parity continues to pose challenges for hotel revenue managers. What are the top recommendations to resolve rate parity issues? (Question proposed by Tamie Matthews) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Pablo Torres - Hotel Consultant, TSA Solutions Nikolas Hall - Owner, H. Hall Consulting Krunal Shah - Cluster Director of Revenue, Dorsett Hospitality International Fabian Bartnick - Founder, Infinito Tanya Hadwick

Open Pricing: Why Is It the Next Hotel Revenue Management Strategy

Open pricing is an increasingly important strategy for increasing hotel revenue. It allows hotels to target various customers across different budgets, maximizing revenue and raising occupation levels all year round. With open pricing, rates, and services can be pitched optimally to ensure maximum uptake without compromising quality. In this article, you'll learn how this pricing strategy can work for you. Table of Contents: What is the Open Pricing Model in Hotel Revenue Management? Best-Available-Rate (BAR)

Cruise Industry: All You Need to Know About Cruises!

The cruise industry provides unique experiences for customers, blending elements of transportation, hospitality, and entertainment. However, within the cruise industry, there are a variety of cruise line classifications and a number of different cruise types. In this article, you will be able to find out everything you need to know about cruises. Table of Contents: What is the Cruise Industry? What is a Cruise Line? 6 Biggest Companies Within the Cruise Industry Carnival Corporation &

Travel Careers: Tips to Find a Career in the Travel Industry

Many people seek out travel careers, because they offer a combination of interesting day-to-day challenges, variety, and long-term progression. However, finding and securing your ideal job will require you to take certain steps to stand out from other candidates. This article offers nine practical tips to assist you with this.

Hotel Strategies on the Fly Using Revenue Management Technology

Accurate hotel forecasts take a lot of work to create. One day the industry celebrates sky-high returns (1) while other markets struggle to prevent occupancy from slipping beyond their control (2). Travel has always been a global industry, but more than ever, hoteliers find their properties impacted by international trends,

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