
Creating a Tech-Powered Operation & Guest Journey at Hotel Made in Louise

The Brussels-based boutique hotel Made in Louise had a major leg up on many competitors during the pandemic thanks to its advanced tech stack. This helped them get through the corona crisis and make the most of the beginning recovery phase. Martin Duchateau, General Manager and owner of the 48-key Made in Louise hotel, shares how he navigated the pandemic at his hotel, the role his revenue management system (RMS) played, how he optimized his

How the Internet of Things (IoT) can Benefit the Travel Industry

For those in the travel industry, one of the most essential and powerful emerging technology trends that need to be understood and explored is the Internet of Things or IoT. It has the potential to fundamentally change how many tourism companies operate, improve their revenue management, and enhance the customer experience. In this article, you will learn more about the Internet of Things and how it can benefit those in the travel industry, complete with

What Revenue Management Technology is Essential for Hotels?

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What are the top “must-have” revenue management technology and tools essential for hotels today? Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Silvia Cantarella - Revenue Management Consultant, Revenue Acrobats Theresa Prins - Founder, Revenue Resolutions Patrick Wimble - Managing Director, Lightbulb Consulting Celine Quek - Senior Lecturer, School of Hospitality at Republic Polytechnic Paulo Aragao - Revenue Management Professional Edyta Walczak - Cluster

How can Hotels use Virtual Reality to Attract Guest Attention?

Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel With travellers spending increased amounts of time consuming online content, how can hotels leverage VR (virtual reality) technology to capture their attention? Our Marketing Expert Panel Reshan Jayamanne - Digital Marketing & Sales Strategist, Bnb Optimized Susanne Williams - Performance and Revenue Director, Journey Hospitality Andrew Kavanagh - Group Sales and Marketing Manager, FBD Hotels & Resorts Jolien Alferink - Hotel

Hotel Revenue Management System Adoption: Tips for a Smooth Transition

A revenue management system (RMS) is a fantastic tool for attracting demand from high-value guests, driving efficient operations, improving revenue performance, and increasing profitability. Of course, the best tools in the world won't do your property much good if your staff isn't bought in on their proper usage and equipped with what's needed to get the most out of them. Tips for Successful RMS Implementation and Adoption Introducing a change to an established routine will always cause angst among staff. But with the right approach, hoteliers can flip the script from a "Why bother?" mindset regarding RMS adoption to a

Interview with Co-founder Daan De Bruijn of Bookboost

In this article, we interview Bookboost co-founder Daan De Bruijn. Bookboost helps accommodation brands manage customer data in efficient and innovative ways. This includes boosting overall understanding of the information, workflow automation, and possibilities for personalization. Bookboost empowers a better understanding of data and how to use it to connect with guests. Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I'm the Co-Founder of Bookboost. I have a

The Role of Hotel Reception Staff on Revenue Management

Your hotel can do everything right, but if your customers aren’t happy, that can lead to a loss of revenue. Why? Unhappy customers leave negative reviews, and that affects future bookings. The Importance of a Positive Hotel Reputation Recently, while browsing some online property reviews, one stood out. "... we were disappointed by the lack of clarity of the reception that at first had allowed us to keep the room until 16 x then change

Restaurant Advertising Trends You Should Know About in 2025

Restaurant advertising has never been more vital in today's competitive dining landscape. As eating habits evolve and food trends emerge, diners constantly seek new culinary experiences and convenient dining spots. This guide explores cutting-edge restaurant advertising strategies to help your establishment attract more customers and boost revenue. Table of Contents:

Considering a New Hospitality RMS? Watch Out for These 4 Myths

So, you’re thinking about upgrading to a more effective revenue management system (RMS) for your hospitality organization, but you have some doubts. Maybe you’re thinking: It’s too costly to install a different RM Learning a new system will take too much of my staff’s bandwidth My new system will take

4 Guest Messaging Trends Every Hotelier Should be Aware of

Traveler expectations are changing rapidly as digital and contactless forms of communication become more popular across the hospitality industry. Today's travelers expect to be able to check into their flights through mobile apps, buy train tickets online, and communicate with their accommodation providers through text. Read on to learn more

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