
Hospitality Jobs: Overview of All Channels to Find Your Next Job

Employers advertise hospitality jobs in various places, ranging from their own website to industry job boards and social media. For this reason, when you are in the process of conducting a job search, you must check multiple different channels. Here, you will find an overview of the main options available. Table of Contents: What is Hospitality? Examples of Hospitality Jobs List of Channels to Find Your Next Hospitality Job 1. Hospitality Job Boards HCareers Hospitality

Revenue Management Automation; Does it Answer All Your Questions?

Over the past year, many discussions about revenue management have come up. This raised the debate around the relevance and importance of historical data. And, of course, the corona crisis tested revenue professionals’ trust in automated tools like Revenue Management Systems (RMS). The latter brought many hotels great results despite the pandemic. This article describes how revenue managers can make the most of automation in revenue management to drive business during recovery. How Automation in

Will the Appetite for Upselling Opportunities Continue Post-Pandemic?

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: With rising trends of staycations & workcations, is there a greater appetite amongst guests for upselling (e.g., room upgrades) post-pandemic to maintain physical distancing or to “treat” themselves? Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Patrick Wimble - Managing Director, Lightbulb Consulting Theresa Prins - Founder, Revenue Resolutions Christoph Hütter - Revenue Strategy Consultant, Christoph Hütter Revenue Management Heiko Rieder - Vice President

4 Reasons why Contactless Payments are Becoming Popular Within the Travel Industry

It only stands to reason that the travel industry needs to evolve in line with the technology needs of its customers. Since the corona pandemic, customers have been more careful about touching public devices, creating new needs.  One area of interest involves how travelers can now pay for a reservation or other services. Let us look at why physical payments are now being largely replaced by contactless payments and the benefits these methods can offer.

The Risks of Ignoring Revenue Management’s Budget Advice

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What happens if hotel owners do not listen to revenue managers during budget preparations? What advice would you give to an RM team when asked to justify their budget? (Question by Connor Vanderholm) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Connor Vanderholm - CEO, Topline Tanya Hadwick - Group Revenue & Yield Leader, SunSwept Resorts Heiko Rieder - Vice President Business Development, Hirmer Hospitality and Travel Charme Hotels Diego Fernández Pérez De Ponga - Director of Revenue Management, Palladium Hotel Group Damiano Zennaro - Founder, DZ Consulting Massimiliano

Hotel Room Types & Room Pricing Tips for Hoteliers

Deciding what kinds of accommodation to offer your guests can be complex. In this article, you'll learn about the different types of hotel rooms, how they're categorized, and what types of guests they may attract. You'll learn about room categories based on use, number of occupants, and purpose, as well as pricing strategies for every room type. Table of Contents: What Is the Hotel Industry? The Necessity of Different Hotel Room Types Most Common Hotel

Tips for Choosing a Revenue Management System for Your Hotel

Revenue management systems (RMS) are a new way of working for the vast majority of hotels – in fact, for most, this kind of software was not even an option before. But times are changing. Property management systems (PMS) are becoming more user-friendly, and such systems can help you simplify your life, save you time, and result in more revenue. Dynamic pricing automation is now available for even the smallest hotels. This article can help

How Have Guest Behaviour Trends Changed in 2022?

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What top changes in guest behaviour trends have Revenue Managers observed in 2022? How have they evolved during the year? (Question proposed by Chaya Kowal)  Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Tanya Hadwick - Group Revenue &

Revenue Management System: The Ultimate Accelerator for Your Hospitality Business

Whether you're balancing a full plate of work priorities, searching for ways to maximize your revenue, or looking to gain better control over the fluctuating demands of the hospitality industry, a revenue management system (RMS) offers a comprehensive solution. Revenue Management is a Rapidly Growing & Changing Field More than

Top RMS Reports Every Hotel Revenue Manager Needs to Know

Revenue managers have no shortage of data at their fingertips. To visualize that data in an understandable and actionable way, here are some top RMS reports that every revenue manager should be familiar with. RMS Reports Every Hotel Revenue Manager Needs to Know Below you'll find top revenue management reports

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