How the Internet of Things (IoT) can Benefit the Travel Industry
For those in the travel industry, one of the most essential and powerful emerging technology trends that need to be understood and explored is the Internet of Things or IoT. It has the potential to fundamentally change how many tourism companies operate, improve their revenue management, and enhance the customer experience. In this article, you will learn more about the Internet of Things and how it can benefit those in the travel industry, complete with
What Revenue Management Technology is Essential for Hotels?
Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What are the top “must-have” revenue management technology and tools essential for hotels today? Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Silvia Cantarella - Revenue Management Consultant, Revenue Acrobats Theresa Prins - Founder, Revenue Resolutions Patrick Wimble - Managing Director, Lightbulb Consulting Celine Quek - Senior Lecturer, School of Hospitality at Republic Polytechnic Paulo Aragao - Revenue Management Professional Edyta Walczak - Cluster
How can Hotels use Virtual Reality to Attract Guest Attention?
Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel With travellers spending increased amounts of time consuming online content, how can hotels leverage VR (virtual reality) technology to capture their attention? Our Marketing Expert Panel Reshan Jayamanne - Digital Marketing & Sales Strategist, Bnb Optimized Susanne Williams - Performance and Revenue Director, Journey Hospitality Andrew Kavanagh - Group Sales and Marketing Manager, FBD Hotels & Resorts Jolien Alferink - Hotel
How will TripAdvisor Plus impact Hotel Revenue Management?
Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: How will hotel revenue management be affected by the introduction of the new “TripAdvisor Plus” from TripAdvisor? Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Paulo Aragao - Revenue Management Professional Patrick Wimble - Managing Director, Lightbulb Consulting Theresa Prins - Founder, Revenue Resolutions Pablo Torres - Hotel Consultant, TSA Solutions Edyta Walczak - Cluster Revenue Manager, Arora Hotels Karin van Rhee -Lecturer, Hotel
Should Sales Teams Receive Revenue Management Training?
Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: Should Directors of Sales be trained in Revenue Management? How would it affect their understanding of Revenue Management complexities, their results & strategy? (Question by Connor Vanderholm) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Connor Vanderholm - CEO, Topline Tanya Hadwick - Group Revenue & Yield Leader, SunSwept Resorts Heiko Rieder - Vice President Business Development, Travel Charme Hotels & Resorts Diego Fernández Pérez De Ponga - Director of Revenue Management, Palladium Hotel Group Niko Krauseneck - Founder, RevenueRebel Dr. Betsy Stringam-Bender - Professor of Hotels & Resorts,
Hotel RMS Evolution: From Ledgers to Spreadsheets to Cloud-Based Systems
While the evolution of all hotel operational technologies has been a fascinating study, the evolution of hotel revenue management systems (RMS) has been particularly interesting, as it has gone through so many distinct and completely different phrases in a relatively short time (approximately the last ten years). RMS Transformation - From Ledgers to AI Cloud Systems Through this evolution, revenue management systems have transformed how hotels manage their pricing, availability, and distribution – an operational
5 Signs Hotels Need a New Digital Marketing Partner
Partnering with a strong digital marketing agency can propel your property to new heights. But when that partner fails to innovate, falls short on reporting, or cannot adapt, the relationship can become an obstacle to growth. Here, you find five signs that it’s time to consider a new digital marketing partner, and how to find a synergetic fit. 5 Crucial Signs Hotels Need a New Digital Marketing Partner Your hotel’s digital marketing success hinges on
How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Travel Industry
Artificial intelligence is constantly improving, making it more reliable and attractive as a business solution. In particular, businesses in the travel industry are taking advantage of AI to perform various administrative and customer service tasks. Here, you will learn the uses and benefits of artificial intelligence and explain how it
How the Internet of Things (IoT) can Benefit the Hospitality Industry
One of the most important emerging trends for those in the hospitality industry is the Internet of Things, or IoT for short. It is, therefore, important for hotel owners, managers, and other business leaders to make the most of it, yet many people still struggle to understand what it
Guest Expectations for Pre-Stay Digital Experiences by Hotel Category
Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel How do guest expectations of the pre-stay digital experience differ between low budget and high-end properties? How do their tech expectations differ during their stay? (Question by Nicole Sideris.) Our Marketing Expert Panel Tamie Matthews