
Revenue Management Automation; Does it Answer All Your Questions?

Over the past year, many discussions about revenue management have come up. This raised the debate around the relevance and importance of historical data. And, of course, the corona crisis tested revenue professionals’ trust in automated tools like Revenue Management Systems (RMS). The latter brought many hotels great results despite the pandemic. This article describes how revenue managers can make the most of automation in revenue management to drive business during recovery. How Automation in

Will the Appetite for Upselling Opportunities Continue Post-Pandemic?

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: With rising trends of staycations & workcations, is there a greater appetite amongst guests for upselling (e.g., room upgrades) post-pandemic to maintain physical distancing or to “treat” themselves? Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Patrick Wimble - Managing Director, Lightbulb Consulting Theresa Prins - Founder, Revenue Resolutions Christoph Hütter - Revenue Strategy Consultant, Christoph Hütter Revenue Management Heiko Rieder - Vice President

4 Reasons why Contactless Payments are Becoming Popular Within the Travel Industry

It only stands to reason that the travel industry needs to evolve in line with the technology needs of its customers. Since the corona pandemic, customers have been more careful about touching public devices, creating new needs.  One area of interest involves how travelers can now pay for a reservation or other services. Let us look at why physical payments are now being largely replaced by contactless payments and the benefits these methods can offer.

Optimising Extended-Stay Hotel Revenue

Pricing of extended-stay hotels and serviced apartments, also known as ‘aparthotels,’ has traditionally been a challenge for revenue managers as rates can vary drastically depending on the length of stay a guest seeks. However, it is vital hotel groups enhance their approach to pricing for this sector given the revenue opportunities it presents, especially as long-stay traveller demand ramps back up in 2021. Unique Business Model = Unique Business Challenges Extended-stay hotel rooms differ from

11 Hotel Marketing Podcasts Every Hotel Professional Should Listen To

Hotel marketing podcasts offer an excellent way for hotel professionals to access advice, learn new techniques and strategies, and hear first-hand insights and experiences from marketing experts. In this article, you can explore the rise of hotel marketing podcasts and read a list of 11 of the best podcasts available. Table of Contents: The Hotel Industry Explained What Are Hotel Marketing Podcasts? Why Is It Beneficial to Listen to Hotel Marketing Podcasts? Top 11 Hotel Marketing Podcasts Every Hotelier Should Follow The Hotel Marketing Show Podcast The Modern Hotelier TravelBoom Hotel Marketing Podcast Suite Spot: A Hotel Marketing Podcast Lodging

The Benefits of Reputation Management Software for Travel Companies

Companies operating in the travel and tourism industry can live or die based on their online reputation. For this reason, a reputation management strategy is crucial, and reputation management software can play a major role in achieving sustainable business success. Here, you will find out more about the importance of a good reputation, the value of high-quality reputation software packages, and the main features you should look out for. Table of Contents: Understanding the Word

What are the Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Hotel Revenue Management?

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel:  What are the advantages and disadvantages to outsourcing revenue management? Is there a difference depending on hotel / property type? Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Diego Fernández Pérez De Ponga - Director of Revenue Management, Palladium

Tips to Optimize Your Hotel “Book Direct” Strategy With SEO and SEM

As core tactics in the digital marketing strategy toolbox, search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) are potent drivers of direct bookings. A carefully balanced mix of SEO and SEM will give your hotel “full-funnel” visibility, which means that guests will be exposed to your brand several times

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