
POS Apps: How to Choose the Right One?

A good POS app can be invaluable for hospitality employees because it can streamline processes, enhance the customer experience, and improve your company’s ability to track key performance indicators. However, following a sensible process for finding the right app is crucial. In this article, you will learn more about how POS apps work, how you can choose the right one, and why this decision is so important in the first place. Table of Contents: What

How Can Hoteliers Adjust Their Revenue Strategy Due to COVID Restrictions?

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: Amid changing travel guidelines and restrictions, flexibility has become essential for travellers. How are you addressing this? How has your revenue management strategy adapted to meet those needs? Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Pablo Torres - Hotel Consultant, TSA Solutions Dian Tristyanti - Revenue Management Professional Edyta Walczak - Cluster Revenue Manager, Arora Hotels Thibault Catala - Founder, Catala Consulting Patrick

How Can Hotels Maintain Guest Interest & Keep Engagement High During the Pandemic?

Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel Keeping well connected with our guests has been particularly challenging during the pandemic. What tips can you share for maintaining guest interest and keeping engagement high? Our Marketing Expert Panel Kaylie Holley - Founder, Up Travel Marketing Teri Freisen - Director Brand Management, Accor for Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts Alessandro Inversini - Associate Professor of Marketing and Director of the Institute

Overcoming New Tech Pains: RMS Change-Management Tips

Whether ditching a subpar revenue management system (RMS) provider for something better or implementing automated revenue tech for the first time—change is hard. But not changing could be disastrous for hotel businesses hoping to remain competitive and run efficiently and profitably in the new industry landscape of 2021 and beyond. Keep reading for tips on navigating the tech change for your hotel and overcoming the pain and obstacles of implementing a new RMS. Navigating Change

5 Reasons Why Implementing RMS in High Season Makes Absolute Sense

Check-in lines, a full luggage store, and you running around, juggling hotel admin work, staff, customer service, marketing, and prices. Welcome to the high season. Amidst this chaos, implementing a new technology solution like a Revenue Management System (RMS) might be the last thing on your to-do list. However, here are five reasons why doing so during this time could be your best strategic move. 5 Reasons for RMS Implementation in High Season Below, you'll find five compelling reasons why introducing RMS during peak season is a good move. Reason 1: It Will Save You Time Instead of manually adjusting

Hospitality Recruitment: Learn How to Recruit the Best Employees!

A good hospitality recruitment strategy is at the very core of all success stories within the industry. Hospitality businesses want the best staff in place to provide great service, respond to customer needs, and make experiences positive and memorable. In this article, you can learn how to put the right processes in place, so you always attract the best applicants, filter out unsuitable candidates, and put together the best possible workforce. Table of Contents: What

Hotel Designs: Inspirations for Hoteliers for New Design Hotels

Hotel design is crucial to the success of a hotel business. It can be difficult to know where to start, especially if you're trying to re-imagine an existing hotel. In this article, you'll discover the importance of good hotel design and how it can help your business. You'll also read about some of today's best-designed hotels for inspiration and ideas. Table of Contents: What Is the Hotel Industry? What Is Hotel Design? How Can a

Revenue Management System: The Ultimate Accelerator for Your Hospitality Business

Whether you're balancing a full plate of work priorities, searching for ways to maximize your revenue, or looking to gain better control over the fluctuating demands of the hospitality industry, a revenue management system (RMS) offers a comprehensive solution. Revenue Management is a Rapidly Growing & Changing Field More than

Top RMS Reports Every Hotel Revenue Manager Needs to Know

Revenue managers have no shortage of data at their fingertips. To visualize that data in an understandable and actionable way, here are some top RMS reports that every revenue manager should be familiar with. RMS Reports Every Hotel Revenue Manager Needs to Know Below you'll find top revenue management reports

Top Tips for Success in Content and Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel What advice can you offer to anyone considering a Content Marketing and/or Influencer Marketing campaign this year? (Question proposed by Sarah Dandashy) Our Marketing Expert Panel Sarah Dandashy - Travel & Hospitality Expert, Ask a Concierge

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