
4 Important Hotel Metrics to Measure Your Guest Experience

Most hotels tend to ignore that data is essential for their business or think that data gathering and reporting is reserved for big multinational hotel chains like Accor or Marriott. Yet, the contrary is true: vital hotel metrics can benefit each hotel. In this article, you will find why having accurate metrics in your hotel could boost your revenue and success. Hotel Metrics Essential for Each Hotel The most common scenario would be to find

How High and Low Can You Go With Your Hotel Room Pricing?

Behavioural economics is the study of people’s decision-making processes and how they are not always entirely rational. By understanding people’s reactions to the choices available, you are better able to make pricing strategies that maximise your revenue. For example, evidence dictates that ending your prices with the number ‘9’ increases your revenue. If you charge $119, you should see more bookings than if you charge $117 or $120. This is not ‘rational’ as economists would

How to Use Guest Messaging to Increase Your Return on Experience?

Return on Experience (ROX) has been discussed widely and it is being referred to as “the new ROI” (Return on Investment). Compared with ROI, which directly measures the amount of return on a particular investment, ROX measures the soft business results that a great experience can generate. In this article you can learn why ROX is important and how you can use it to benefit you hotel. What is Return on Experience (ROX)? ROX is

10 Travel Agents for Hotels to Gain More Corporate & Leisure Guests

Travel agents represent a major distribution channel for those in the hotel industry, helping them connect with more leisure travelers and corporate guests. To capitalize, hotels need to list their properties with online travel agents and connect with the main global distribution systems so that a travel agent can view real-time inventory information. In this article, you will find out about eight key travel agents to work with. Table of Contents: What Are Travel Agents?

Hotel STAR Report: Clear Introduction for Hoteliers

Hotel STAR Report The Hotel STAR Report is a critical performance benchmarking tool in the hospitality industry, providing detailed revenue and occupancy data compared to competitors. It is important because it helps hoteliers make informed pricing, marketing, and operational decisions by understanding their market position and identifying trends. Ultimately, it aims to boost profitability and market share. Key Takeaways The Key Components: Outlines crucial metrics and data segments within the report for better insight. Analyze the Occupancy Data: Gauges room usage to optimize booking and pricing strategies. Assess Average Daily Rate Measures average earned revenue per occupied room. Evaluate Revenue Per

Top Tactics to Drive Direct Bookings at Your Hotel

The last few years have seen major shifts within the hospitality industry. Along with the uneven demand and staffing challenges caused by the pandemic, there was one significant upside – a shift in confidence that saw guests book directly through the hotel vs. relying on OTA websites to find the best deal. As the industry continues to recover, some of those booking perks disappeared, and there’s been another shift as many guests once again feel

Pricing Personalization & the Future of Hospitality

Pricing personalization allows hotels to move towards total profit optimization by combining the power of the guest profiles in your CRM with revenue management forecasting to deliver the right price to the right guest at the right time during the guest journey. Guests Have Increased Expectations for Personalization Personalization is

7 eCommerce Tips for Hotels to Increase Conversion

Your hotel's online presence is more important than ever—and this doesn't just mean having a website. It also includes your eCommerce setup. Your website is often the first touchpoint that any interested guest would view to learn more about your hotel. Regardless of what, when or who your online visitors

NFT Travel: Learn About NFT Technology in the Travel Industry

NFT travel marketing and promotional opportunities are emerging, disrupting all aspects of the travel industry, including hotels, airlines, restaurants, and entertainment venues. In this article, you can find out what NFTs are, how the technology works, and how businesses use these tokens. Table of Contents: What Is a Non-Fungible Token

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