
Aviation Management: A Great Guide to Start Your Career in Aviation

Aviation management positions have much to offer, providing you with a combination of responsibility, a varied day-to-day working life, excellent employee benefits, and good pay. However, getting started in such a role can be challenging. Here, you will find a useful guide to help you begin your career as an aviation manager. Table of Contents: Getting to Know the Aviation Industry What is Aviation Management? What Will You Learn With an Aviation Management Degree? Bachelor's

Tips to Boost Your Hotels Upsell Conversion With Powerful Visuals

Images can prompt strong emotions and move people to take action. Since you probably know this already, you use beautiful photos on your website to convince site visitors to make a reservation. But have you ever thought of applying this to pre-arrival upselling and cross-selling to increase your conversions? Read on to learn how you can leverage the power of representative photos to help sway guests in favour of your upsell. The Right Images for

4 WhatsApp Tips for Hotels to Improve Guest Satisfaction

WhatsApp is one of the world's most popular mobile apps, and the single most popular mobile messaging platform in 128 countries, according to Market Intelligence Insights. Given that hotel guests are rarely far from their smartphones, it is understandable that many want to communicate with hotel staff via WhatsApp. Meanwhile, the rise of hotel chatbot technology also makes this a more appealing proposition for hotel owners. In this post, you will learn more about how

Let’s Get Digital: Creating a Smart Guest Journey for Your Hotel

Coronavirus threw a lot of well-established routines and best practices overboard without warning. Within only a few months, almost every aspect of hotel operations had to be re-examined and updated in ways nobody would have predicted at the start of 2020. To help you navigate this transition, this article sums up actionable tips on how you can adapt your guest journey to the new reality. New Automation Standards Due to The Corona Pandemic New, strict

Why Revenue Management Systems Will Never Replace Human Revenue Managers

When the desktop computer came along, it needed human input. It’s no different with an RMS (revenue management system.) Even an AI-enabled RMS can’t think independently (and that’s a good thing!) You’ve probably heard plenty about AI (artificial intelligence) chatbots that learn from biased human language and “deep fakes,” which are the 21st c. version of Photoshop. These are just a few real-life concerns in today’s emerging AI. Yet, as hoteliers and a society, we face the fundamental problems of learning how to use AI effectively. Here’s the thing, when you think about RMS as a piece of software, you

What Practices Make a Hotel Booking Process Effective?

Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel What Practices Make a Hotel Booking Process Effective? (Question by Thomas Dieben) Our Marketing Expert Panel Thomas Dieben - Founder, Becurious Tamie Matthews - Revenue, Sales & Marketing Consultant, RevenYou Jacopo Focaroli - CEO & Founder, The Host Kaylie Holley - Hospitality and Tourism Marketing Professional Peter Ricci - Clinical Professor and Director of Hospitality & Tourism Management Program at Florida

Onboarding for Different Revenue Management Team Levels

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: How Does the Onboarding Process of Revenue Management Teams Differ According to Level? Which Topics Should Be Emphasized for Each Level? (Question by Daniel Feitosa) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Heiko Rieder - Vice President Business Development, Hirmer Hospitality and Travel Charme Hotels Alenka McMahon - Managing Director, HOTEL REVENUE SERVICES LIMITED Patrick Wimble - Founder & Managing Director, Lightbulb Consulting

Does Contactless Check-In Improve the Guest Experience?

Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel Does contactless check-in improve the guest experience or not? What are the potential pitfalls? Would you consider it essential for hotels / accommodation providers? Our Marketing Expert Panel Sarah Dandashy - Travel & Hospitality Expert, Ask

Motel Meaning: Understanding the Role of Motels in the Industry

Motels are overnight accommodations for motorists and remain important in the wider hotel industry. In this article, you will be able to obtain a clear motel meaning or definition, gain insights into the history of the motel industry and the current role of motels, and learn about the motel technology

How Should Hotels Decide on their Online Platform Listings?

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: There is a growing need for hotels to be listed on multiple online platforms. What should Revenue Managers consider when deciding on where/where not to list? (Question proposed by Theresa Prins)  Our Revenue Management Expert

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