Discover The Latest Housekeeping Trends for 2025
It is important for hotels to keep up with the latest housekeeping trends, as these will influence customer expectations. Furthermore, many of these trends have emerged because they provide ways to manage a housekeeping team effectively, boost efficiency, and improve guest satisfaction. In this article, you can read about the most significant trends to follow to optimize your hotel's operations and keep guests happy in 2025. Table of Contents: What Is the Hotel Industry? What Is Hotel Housekeeping? What Are the Main Hotel Housekeeping Duties? Why Is It Beneficial to Follow Housekeeping Trends? Top 13 Housekeeping Trends That Can Improve
6 Ways Your Hotel Might be Missing Revenue Opportunities
You'll probably agree that seizing revenue opportunities is more important now than ever - especially with costs increasing in every area of hotel operations and demand only recovering. Otherwise, your property's profitability could take a severe hit, and its long-term business success may be at risk. Luckily, there are many things you can do to capitalize on demand and get your hotel through these times successfully. 6 Ways Your Hotel Might be Missing Revenue Opportunities
Google Travel Insights: Tools & Data Trends for The Hospitality & Travel Industry
The launch of the Google Travel Insights platform is intended to help those in the travel industry by providing a single location to access important market data, industry insights, and relevant tools. In this article, you can learn more about the service and the numerous ways it can help travel companies improve business performance. Table of Contents: What is Google Travel Insights? Why is Google Travel Insights Useful for Travel Companies? The Three Components of
4 Important Hotel Metrics to Measure Your Guest Experience
Most hotels tend to ignore that data is essential for their business or think that data gathering and reporting is reserved for big multinational hotel chains like Accor or Marriott. Yet, the contrary is true: vital hotel metrics can benefit each hotel. In this article, you will find why having
How High and Low Can You Go With Your Hotel Room Pricing?
Behavioural economics is the study of people’s decision-making processes and how they are not always entirely rational. By understanding people’s reactions to the choices available, you are better able to make pricing strategies that maximise your revenue. For example, evidence dictates that ending your prices with the number ‘9’ increases
How to Use Guest Messaging to Increase Your Return on Experience?
Return on Experience (ROX) has been discussed widely and it is being referred to as “the new ROI” (Return on Investment). Compared with ROI, which directly measures the amount of return on a particular investment, ROX measures the soft business results that a great experience can generate. In this article