How to use Artificial Intelligence in the Hospitality Industry
As computer technology has advanced, artificial intelligence has become more reliable, enhancing its standing within the business world. Indeed, hospitality companies increasingly use AI to carry out customer service tasks, especially important within hotels and resorts. In this article, you get a closer look at which way artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the hospitality industry. Table of Contents: What Is Artificial Intelligence? Why Is Artificial Intelligence Becoming Important in the Hospitality Industry? Benefits of Using Artificial Intelligence in the Hospitality Industry Improving Revenue Improving Customer Experience Increasing Operational Effectiveness 12 Examples of How to Use Artificial Intelligence Within the Hospitality Industry
4 Guest Messaging Trends Every Hotelier Should be Aware of
Traveler expectations are changing rapidly as digital and contactless forms of communication become more popular across the hospitality industry. Today's travelers expect to be able to check into their flights through mobile apps, buy train tickets online, and communicate with their accommodation providers through text. Read on to learn more about emerging trends related to guest messaging that are sure to change the industry as we know it. 4 Trends in Guest Messaging Below you
How to Make Effective Upselling Part of Your Hotel’s Culture?
In hospitality, you’re always trying to do just a little bit better, both in terms of the experience you offer guests and the revenue you generate. Implementing new ideas and making them part of your property’s culture can seem challenging. But with the right training, it’s easier than you may think. In this piece, you’ll learn how to use a modern approach to staff development to encourage your team to tap into new incremental revenue
Tips for Hotels During the Corona (COVID-19) Crisis
The Corona (COVID-19) virus global pandemic is an unprecedented crisis, and hotels are among the many businesses feeling the effects, as global travel restrictions come into force and entire countries face 'lockdown' procedures. This article will offer tips for hotel owners looking for ways to optimize revenue and limit the
Hygiene is the New Marketing Message for Hotels
With COVID-19 at the very forefront of most people's consciousness, it is vital for hotels and resorts to include hygiene information within their marketing content. After all, potential guests are now much more likely to make travel decisions with hygiene measures and other coronavirus safety concerns in mind. Read on
12 Tips for Hotels to Optimize Revenue in Low Demand Periods
For hotel owners, low season and other periods of low demand represent a major challenge, as fewer rooms being booked means less money coming in, and that can have serious cash flow repercussions. This is why it is so important to optimize revenue and ensure you are able to bring