
How Virtual Reality (VR) can Enrich the Hospitality Industry

Virtual reality, or VR for short, is one of the biggest emerging technology trends, and the business world is gradually coming to terms with the various opportunities it provides. Virtual reality appeals to those in the hospitality industry because it can digitally transport potential customers to a hotel or travel destination. This article teaches how hotels can leverage virtual reality to boost business results. Table of Contents: What Is Virtual Reality? Reasons for Virtual Reality Hospitality Industry Growth & Importance Examples of How to Use Virtual Reality Within the Hospitality Industry Virtual Travel Experiences Virtual Hotel Tours Virtual Booking Processes

Hotel Management Companies: Top 8 Biggest Hotel Management Companies

Hotel management companies are a huge component of the hotel industry. These companies operate hotels for hotel owners. They range from small organizations that operate one or two establishments to large global businesses managing hotels all over the world. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about the eight most significant hotel management companies in today's industry. Table of Contents: What Is the Hotel Industry? What Is a Hotel Management Company? Benefits

Moving Ahead Towards The Light: The Hospitality Industry’s New Trials and Possibilities

There's no doubt that 2022 brought terrific developments for the hospitality industry. Most countries reopened their borders and did away with travel restrictions, and demand matched or even exceeded 2019 levels. However, it's not smooth sailing all around. Our sector faced many ongoing challenges due to the pandemic, and some new issues cropped up, too. What could have been the first "regular" travel year since 2020 is now looking questionable due to the looming recession

How Hotels Leverage AI Chatbots to Adapt to COVID-related Market Conditions

Hospitality professionals must revisit their business models to create resilient long-term strategies to keep afloat in these challenging times. Artificial intelligence (AI) is essential to reduce costs and continue delivering premium guest service. In this article, you will learn how hotels use AI Chatbots to adapt to COVID-related market conditions.

Do Small Hotels Need a RMS? How to Overcome the 6 Challenges?

As a hotelier, you have a lot on your plate. From taking care of your staff and guests to managing your online presence, bills and housekeeping - it’s no easy task. But even so, it is imperative you do not overlook one of the most important things to manage: your

Why is Rate Parity Vital for Hotels? & Tips to Win the Parity Game

Hotels want the best price for their room. Therefore, the same price is set throughout all digital distribution channels.  But what if a distribution channel uses lower prices? In this article, you can learn about rate parity and how hotels can prevent distribution channels from undercutting the direct price. What

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