7 Ways to Transform a Hotel Room Into a Smart Room
The smart hotel room concept is one of the most important technology trends emerging within the hospitality industry today. Indeed, the idea of a smart hotel is attractive to customers for a variety of reasons, including greater convenience and personalization. However, while many owners are willing to embrace the idea, many are unsure of how to implement smart room technology. To help out, this article offers seven ways to transform a hotel room into a smart room. Table of Contents: What Is a Smart Room? Why Are Smart Hotel Rooms Becoming Important? 7 Ways to Transform Hotel Rooms Into Smart
Considering a New Hospitality RMS? Watch Out for These 4 Myths
So, you’re thinking about upgrading to a more effective revenue management system (RMS) for your hospitality organization, but you have some doubts. Maybe you’re thinking: It’s too costly to install a different RM Learning a new system will take too much of my staff’s bandwidth My new system will take too long to learn how to price effectively It’s easier to stick with an RMS, I know. It’s “good enough.” However well-founded those concerns are,
4 Guest Messaging Trends Every Hotelier Should be Aware of
Traveler expectations are changing rapidly as digital and contactless forms of communication become more popular across the hospitality industry. Today's travelers expect to be able to check into their flights through mobile apps, buy train tickets online, and communicate with their accommodation providers through text. Read on to learn more about emerging trends related to guest messaging that are sure to change the industry as we know it. 4 Trends in Guest Messaging Below you
How Hotels Can Combine Revenue Management and CRO?
One of the best and most common definitions of Revenue Management is “Selling the Right Room to the Right Client at the Right Moment at the Right Price in the Right Distribution Channel with the best commission efficiency”. Both Revenue Management and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) are data-driven, but they
6 Reasons Why Every Hotel Should Have a Virtual Reality Video
Interactive virtual reality video technology within the hospitality industry can provide a competitive advantage and allow customers to experience what a hotel is like before committing to a booking. However, there are also other advantages to utilizing this particular marketing method. In this article, you will learn more about six
Why is an Integrated Online Booking System Important?
Simply put, if you want your property to be found on the internet, having a good online presence is critical. A large proportion of business and leisure travel is now researched and booked online, and thus hotel owners can no longer ignore the need for an integrated online booking engine.