Revenue Management Consulting; Benefits of Hiring a Consultant
It is becoming increasingly common for hotel owners and others in the hospitality industry to acquire revenue management consulting services to optimize prices, distribution, and occupancy rates and maximize financial results. These services will often be acquired from a revenue management consulting firm. In this article, you will learn about the benefits of enlisting a revenue management consultant for your hotel. Table of Contents: What Is a Consultant? What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Revenue Management Consulting Firm? Benefit From Expertise Gain Outside Perspective Reduce Staffing Costs Which Services Does a Revenue Management Consulting Firm Offer? Strategies for Growth
How Attribute-based Selling Solves the Hotel Industry’s Problem with Personalization
As consumers, we're surrounded by extreme personalization every day. Whether AI-driven provides product recommendations, options when booking an airline ticket or even adding extra pepperoni on a pizza, consumers are commonly exposed to personalization mechanisms in their online shopping experiences. Consumers Expect Personalization Consumers have come to expect personalization as a standard function. An overwhelming 70% say we will shop exclusively with brands that personally understand us. And for the businesses who invest in personalization,
3 Steps to Fight Price Disparities on Your Hotel Website
As travel comes back in full force, everyone is trying to claim their slice of the pie. So it’s no wonder you are running into price disparities between your hotel’s rates and those available on OTAs (online travel agencies) and metasearch engines. They’re inevitable, and as a savvy hotelier, you’ve got two options: accept them, or take action. In this article, you'll find actionable tactics you can use to fight price disparities and boost your
Blockchain Technology and Its Uses in the Hospitality Industry
Blockchain technology is one of the most exciting digital technology innovations of recent times. Despite its relative youth, it has the potential to alter the way transactions are made fundamentally and information is stored and accessed. In this article, we take a closer look at the blockchain, explain it, and
9 Tips to Manage Online Hotel Reviews
While revenue management relates more to selling your product to the right person at the right time through the best distribution channels, online reviews are a rudimentary but equally important link that can't be ignored. A handful of poor reviews can have massive implications on your business, leading potential guests
How Augmented Reality is Revolutionizing the Travel Industry
Thanks to advances in smartphone technology, augmented reality has experienced a breakthrough over the past few years. It has emerged as a useful tool for businesses and marketers, allowing them to alter how customers perceive their surroundings. This has particularly benefited those operating in the travel industry, as they often