
Uncovering the Importance of Pickup and Pace in Revenue Management

As a revenue manager, one of your essential daily inquiries is, "What was yesterday's pickup?" It's a question that sets the tone for your day and helps you make informed decisions about selling the right room, to the right guest, at the right time, at the right price. Setting the correct room price is undoubtedly the cornerstone of revenue management, how you arrive at the optimal price point requires a considerable amount of context, of which pickup and place play a critical role. What are Pickup and Pace in the Context of Revenue Management? Pickup refers to the number of

What to Include in Your Hotel’s Brand Guidelines?

When potential guests interact with your hotel's brand for the first time, they develop an impression within seven seconds or less. Your brand identity is the personality that defines your hotel in your guest's eyes. This includes your visual design, unique selling point, brand values, value propositions, and how your brand interacts with customers. Crafting a solid brand identity builds trust with your customers. Like in human relationships, customer-to-brand relationships take time to make with

Different Types of Hotel Guests and Tips on How to Appeal to Them

Hotel guests have different circumstances and priorities, so hotels need to understand that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to attracting them. In this article, we will break down the main types of guests, provide tips for appealing to each guest type, and offer more general advice for exceeding customer expectations during their stay. Table of Contents: What is the Hotel Industry? Different Types of Hotel Guests and How to Attract Them Business

Alexa for Hospitality; Voice Control Speakers for Hotels

Voice-controlled smart hubs and speakers, such as Amazon Echo, have become extremely popular as home technology products in recent years. However, their uses do not stop there and are increasingly used to deliver a superior customer experience in various industries. One of the most significant examples of this is within

Airline Staff: How to Hire Staff for Your Airline

If you are personally involved in hiring new airline staff, you need to take great care to ensure you are selecting the best possible candidates. This means learning how to identify the best long-term prospects and recognize red flags. Here, you can learn much more about bringing in the right

Hotel Revenue Management Courses: Information + List of Educators

Hotel Revenue Management is a crucial part of running a hotel. You can maximize revenue and minimize your outgoings by effectively balancing supply and demand. A Hotel Revenue Management Course can help you understand this important topic. Hotel Revenue Management Courses will give you the tools and strategies you need.

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