Tourism Meaning: Learn About the Definition of the Tourism Industry
For those working in the industry, having a tourism meaning or definition at hand can be invaluable because it helps to reinforce the purpose of providing a great tourism experience. In this article, you can explore the meaning of tourism as a whole, the meaning of different forms, and the pros and cons of tourism as a concept. Table of Contents: Tourism Meaning A Brief History of Tourism Definition of Tourism vs. Definition of Travel What is the Meaning of Different Tourism Forms? Domestic Tourism Meaning Inbound Tourism Meaning Outbound Tourism Meaning Categories & Types of Tourism Benefits of Tourism
5 Keys to Becoming a Great Hotel Marketing Leader
Being a leader is one thing; being a great leader is a whole new ball game. To stay at the forefront of innovation, creativity and ahead of your competitors, you need to learn the skills required to be a great leader when marketing your hotel. The Core Fundamentals of Why Your Hotel Exists If you take a close look at hotel marketing, there are a variety of tactics that you can implement to stay popular
Automation in Hotel Revenue Management: Yes, or No?
At the Asian American Hotel Owners Association’s annual event, Tyler Morse, chairman and CEO of MCR Development, recently shared a quote to inspire hoteliers to take revenue maximisation into their own hands: “Increase your rates; do it with confidence. … Stop wasting money … Buy smart technology… This is a very simple business … don’t get swooned by all the complexities of the business… Room rates are where all of the profits are.” You can
Orion Span: Information About Orion Span Space Hotel
Orion Span is a space tourism company best known for its planned space hotel, the Aurora Space Station. It is one of several private companies aiming to provide commercial space travel in the near future. It has one of the most exciting propositions of all, offering the opportunity to enjoy
AI Chatbot: What Are the Advantages for the Travel Industry?
Those operating within the travel industry succeed or fail based on the experience they provide for customers. AI chatbots represent one of the most exciting new technologies that can help improve this experience. In this article, you will learn more about AI chatbot technology and how it can benefit travel
What is And Why Should Hotels Use a GDS System?
For hotel industry business leaders, a global distribution system (GDS) is one of the main distribution channels, allowing travel agents to sell hotel rooms to their clients on your behalf. This can potentially increase the total number of room bookings generated and improve financial results. Here, you will learn more