
What Is Hotel Revenue Management?

For those operating in the hotel industry, revenue management is a key concept, as it enables hotel owners to predict levels of demand and optimize things like distribution and pricing in order to maximize financial results. In this article, you will learn more about hotel revenue management, why it is so valuable to hotel owners, and the necessary conditions for implementing a hotel revenue management strategy. Table of Contents: What is Hotel Revenue Management? Necessary

14 City Marketing Strategies to Attract More Travelers

Effective city marketing strategies can assist local governments, tourist boards, hotels, travel companies, and other businesses by helping to attract more travelers to the city in question. In this article, you will learn more about city marketing, what it entails, and some of the main techniques that can help you boost tourism. Table of Contents: What is City Marketing? Why is City Marketing Useful and Important? What is the Difference Between City and Destination Marketing?

The Most Used Revenue Management KPIs for Hotels

A key performance indicator can provide revenue managers and hotel owners with valuable information about their business performance. This subsequently has the benefit of allowing them to implement a revenue management strategy so that they can maximize financial business results. In this post, we look at some of the most widely utilized revenue management KPIs and how they can help you. Table of Contents: What Are Revenue Management KPIs? Most Used Revenue Revenue Management KPIs

How Can a Hotel Marketing Company Boost Your Hotel’s Revenue?

In the highly competitive hotel industry, optimizing revenue means attracting plenty of attention and generating the right levels of interest from customers. Marketing plays a key role here, and while many hotels handle this internally, others opt to outsource their marketing efforts to a dedicated hotel marketing company. This article will teach you more about hotel marketing and how a marketing company can boost your revenue. Table of Contents: What Is Hotel Marketing? Why Is

Hyatt Hotel Brands: Learn About All the Hyatt Brands

Hyatt hotel brands describe the various hotels, resorts, and other properties owned, operated, or licensed by Hyatt Hotels Corporation. Each of the brands brings some form of unique experience, service, and more to its guests. The importance of the Hyatt hotel brand is largely in how it demonstrates different business strategies. Each of the brands works within Hyatt's infrastructure and with their name recognition but through different forms of marketing. In this article, you'll learn about the most important Hyatt brands and what they say about the larger hospitality industry. Table of Contents: What Is the Hyatt Hotel Brand? 12

Key Digital Trends in the Tourism and Travel Industry in 2024

It is important for hotel owners and other business leaders operating in the travel industry to keep up with the latest digital trends. Failure to do so can result in rivals gaining a competitive advantage and negatively impacting the customer experience, potentially harming your reputation. In this article, you will learn about six of the most important digital trends that those in the tourism industry must be aware of and adapt to if they will

11 Hot Digital Trends in the Hotel Industry

With digital technology continuously evolving, it should come as little surprise that its applications within the hotel industry evolve, too. Indeed, over the past few years, several notable digital trends have taken the industry by storm, and the year ahead promises to be no different. Crucially, the businesses that benefit

Potential Impact of ChatGPT and other LLMs on the Booking Process

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: How might the use of ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLM) affect the booking process? What impact might they have on revenue management? (Question by Massimiliano Terzulli) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Massimiliano Terzulli -

Revenue Management Trends: Latest Developments of 2024

A significant part of getting the most out of a hotel revenue management strategy involves keeping up with the latest revenue management trends and implementing associated strategies while investing in relevant technology. In this article, you can learn all about the latest developments in this area to stay ahead of

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