
Potential Impact of ChatGPT and other LLMs on the Booking Process

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: How might the use of ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLM) affect the booking process? What impact might they have on revenue management? (Question by Massimiliano Terzulli) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Massimiliano Terzulli - Revenue Management Consultant, Franco Grasso Revenue Team Oleksii Kapichin - Revenue Management Professional Pablo Torres - Director, TEDUKA Tanya Hadwick - Group Revenue & Yield

14 Country Marketing Strategies to Attract More Tourists

One of the most important tasks of a tourist board organization or DMO is to research and analyze the main objectives of your country's marketing plan to drive tourist traffic to your target region. There are several ways you can promote your country. This article gives insights into the best country marketing strategies that help attract more visitors. Table of Contents: What Is Country Marketing? Why Is Country Marketing Important? Who Is Responsible for Country

7 Ways to Transform a Hotel Room Into a Smart Room

The smart hotel room concept is one of the most important technology trends emerging within the hospitality industry today. Indeed, the idea of a smart hotel is attractive to customers for a variety of reasons, including greater convenience and personalization. However, while many owners are willing to embrace the idea, many are unsure of how to implement smart room technology. To help out, this article offers seven ways to transform a hotel room into a

Hotel Room Maintenance Checklist: Ensuring Comfort and Quality (Free Template)

A hotel room maintenance checklist is a comprehensive list, designed to help hotel staff to carry out checks and maintenance work within guest rooms. The checklist covers inspections and preventative maintenance tasks. These checklists are important because they help to ensure compliance and prevent important tasks from being overlooked. By following procedures, hotels can help to ensure guest comfort and operational efficiency. In this article, you will learn about what hotel room maintenance checklists are, why they are so valuable, and the best strategies for implementing a checklist and improving standards in your hotel. Table of Contents: What is a

3 Key Questions for Evaluating RMS Options Before Budget Season

Hotel budgeting season is right around the corner, and many hoteliers are getting ready to roll up their sleeves and start making tough financial decisions as they look to align investment priorities with next year’s budget projections. This is often a challenging and time-consuming process, but it’s also an opportunity to think through a strategic vision and evaluate the tools and resources needed to achieve these goals. Investing in an RMS is a High Priority

8 Signals Your Hotel Pricing Needs Adjustment

Recent studies reveal that prices perceived as unfair trigger discomfort in consumers, leading to reduced purchases, complaints, and negative reviews. Conversely, fair prices activate pleasure centers, enhancing customer satisfaction.[1] This underscores the importance of finding the sweet spot for your hotel's room prices: the perfect balance between attracting (happy) guests

5 Star Hotel Organizational Chart: Creating 5 Star Hotel Hierarchy

5 star hotel organizational chart design is an exciting part of the industry as a whole for a number of reasons. It's essentially a design methodology that can keep hotels focused on five star ratings. It's an important subject because charts take much of the subjectivity out of the rating

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