Best Practices for using Artificial Intelligence in Hotel Marketing
Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel What are the most beneficial use cases of Artificial Intelligence in hotel marketing? Where are the opportunities and what are the pitfalls for hotels to be aware of? (Question from Cory Falter) Our Marketing Expert Panel Cory Falter - Partner and Visionary at Lure Agency Thom de Graaf - Online Marketing Specialist, The Orange Studio Luminita Mardale - Director Of
Front Office Technology: The Latest Tech for the Reception in 2024
Front office technology has seen significant development in recent years. Driven in part by the rise of COVID-19 and technological changes, these changes mean that today's front desk is different from the traditional reception office of the past. In this article, you'll learn about exciting developments in front-office technology and what they mean for your business. Table of Contents: What Is the Hotel Industry? What Is Front Office Technology? Why Is It Important to Follow
Restaurant Marketing Agency: Why Choose External Marketing
A restaurant marketing agency is a company that specializes in marketing activities that are relevant for restaurants and similar businesses. Generally, businesses will outsource many of their marketing responsibilities to these agencies to reduce their own workload and benefit from specialist knowledge. In this article, you will learn about what these agencies are, how they work, the types of marketing they use, and the benefits these agencies provide. Table of Contents: How Is the Restaurant
How to Build an Effective Commercial Hotel Organization in 2024
A hotel’s commercial team—revenue management, sales, and marketing—is critically important to the financial health of a property. When working harmoniously, these functions combine to ensure a property is filled with high-value guests while minimizing acquisition costs as much as possible. However, “harmonious” is an unlikely descriptor for many hotel commercial teams. 3 Ways to Build an Effective Commercial Hotel Organization in 2024 Revenue management and sales professionals often find themselves at odds over whether to
Tipping Hotel Housekeeping; What is the Standard?
Tipping hotel housekeeping staff involves leaving a small amount of money for the individual employees who clean your hotel room. It is a great way to show appreciation and can help staff who often have a low base wage. Understanding the standard for tipping housekeeping staff is important because it is an area of anxiety for guests. Many guests want to leave a tip, but fear leaving too little or too much. In this article, we will explore the etiquette around tipping hotel housekeeping staff, explain how much people tend to leave as a tip and provide some helpful tips
Booking Engine Hotels: How to Choose the Right Hotel Booking Engine
The booking engine hotels choose to deploy can have a significant bearing on the number of bookings they are able to generate. Customers want a booking engine that is reliable, easy to access and simple to use. Hotel booking engines are of the utmost importance because they help to facilitate direct bookings. These bookings are the ideal outcome, as the hotel does not need to pay commission fees and gains access to valuable customer data.
What Is a Hostel? A Full Hostel Guide for Hoteliers
What is a hostel tends to be asked more and more these days as travel becomes both more affordable and practical. It touches on people's desire to explore and to have safe accommodations during trips. The fundamental importance of hostels is tantamount to the importance of those qualities. An enjoyable trip depends on the assurance of safety while still giving you a sense of adventure and continually growing excitement. In this article, you'll learn how
6 Tips to Fix Your Hotel’s Email Marketing and Increase Conversions
When exploring the landscape of digital marketing for hotels, we see many new emerging trends, such as AI, Automation, social media, influencer marketing, and more. Many may wonder, "Is email marketing still relevant for hotels?" And the answer is an assured yes. Why Email Marketing for Your Property? Even with
The Risks of Ignoring Revenue Management’s Budget Advice
Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What happens if hotel owners do not listen to revenue managers during budget preparations? What advice would you give to an RM team when asked to justify their budget? (Question by Connor Vanderholm) Our Revenue Management
5 Visual Design Tips to Boost Your Hotel Website Conversion Rates
Making a great first impression is crucial—especially for hotels looking to attract guests. In the online world, first impressions are tightly linked to your website's design. From the moment they land on your page, guests need to be hooked. 5 Visual Design Tips for Your Hotel's Website The undeniable power