
Tips for Choosing a Revenue Management System for Your Hotel

Revenue management systems (RMS) are a new way of working for the vast majority of hotels – in fact, for most, this kind of software was not even an option before. But times are changing. Property management systems (PMS) are becoming more user-friendly, and such systems can help you simplify your life, save you time, and result in more revenue. Dynamic pricing automation is now available for even the smallest hotels. This article can help

Strategies to Optimize Your Holiday Park’s Revenue Next Summer

Was your summer a revenue bonanza, or more of a busy bust? The summer busy season is undoubtedly a critical stretch for holiday park owners. For many, it's the time to bolster your budgets and make up for the slower months. While plenty of work must be done to ensure your next summer's guests have an excellent experience, it's also important to consider your approach to revenue management before this flurry of activity begins. Where

Forward-Looking Data to Understand Guest Behavior and Upcoming Trends

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What Forward-Looking Data Should Hotels Use to Understand Guest Behavior and Upcoming Trends? Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Nikolas Hall - Principal Owner, N. Hall Consulting Chaya Kowal- Cluster Director Of Revenue Management, Potato Head Family Damiano Zennaro - Founder, DZ Consulting Heiko Rieder - Vice President Business Development, Hirmer Hospitality and Travel Charme Hotels Fabian Bartnick - Founder, Infinito &

AI + Hotel Marketing: 6 Ways AI is Here to Help

Fear not. Robots won’t take our jobs. In the hospitality sphere, robots - or rather artificial intelligence - can propel our productivity, making our work more effective and our time more efficient. Here are six ways hotel marketing teams are using AI today. The Rise Of AI It’s barely been a year since access to generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology became widely available, yet marketing teams have been quick to explore AI, if not fully

Common Booking Funnel Bottlenecks and How to Overcome Them

The road from research to booking is not exactly straightforward for today’s travelers. The competition is fierce for hoteliers, and so is the pushback from OTAs. It’s crucial for hoteliers to optimize their booking funnel so that the transition from research to booking feels smooth and natural for guests. 5 Ways to Overcome the Booking Funnel Bottlenecks The booking funnel encompasses every step a potential guest takes from the moment they become aware of your hotel to the moment they finalize their booking. Understanding and optimizing this funnel is immensely important. Each stage—from awareness to booking—presents unique challenges and opportunities

9 Forecasting Tips to Improve Your Revenue Management Strategy

Forecasting is an important part of any revenue management strategy because it allows hotel managers to make vital pricing, promotion, and distribution decisions based on anticipated demand and performance. In this article, we look at useful forecasting tips to help you improve your revenue management strategy. Table of Contents: What Is Revenue Management? Forecasting Explained The Importance of Forecasting Tips to Improve Your Forecasting 1. Keep Accurate Records 2. Make Use of Historical Data 3.

The Most Important Online Distribution Channels for Hotels

The distribution channels that hotels use and invest in can have a significant bearing on their revenue management strategy, and their overall success. These days, many hotels receive more internet bookings than offline travel agents. Meanwhile, more recent advances in smartphone technology have made online distribution channels more important than ever, as consumers now expect to book a hotel room easily, from anywhere in the world, at the touch of a few buttons. So, what

Revenue Management System (RMS): What Are the Advantages?

A revenue management system is a software solution that allows hospitality brands to carry out various revenue management activities. For instance, the software makes it easier to forecast changes in demand and optimize pricing. Revenue management systems provide hotels and similar businesses with a number of major advantages, including improved

What Is Hotel Revenue Management?

For those operating in the hotel industry, revenue management is a key concept, as it enables hotel owners to predict levels of demand and optimize things like distribution and pricing in order to maximize financial results. In this article, you will learn more about hotel revenue management, why it is

14 City Marketing Strategies to Attract More Travelers

Effective city marketing strategies can assist local governments, tourist boards, hotels, travel companies, and other businesses by helping to attract more travelers to the city in question. In this article, you will learn more about city marketing, what it entails, and some of the main techniques that can help you

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