
Count on more revenue without doing more work
. With RoomPriceGenie, your rooms are automatically priced right, every night.

About RoomPriceGenie

RoomPriceGenie is the easiest way to ensure your rooms are priced right, every night. Purpose-built for the independent hotelier, RoomPriceGenie is fast to implement, intuitive to use, simple to understand, and completely transparent.

Choose to be hands-off, letting the platform act as an always-on pricing manager, or jump in and control your price manually. Either way, RoomPriceGenie will save you time checking your rates against your competitive set and ensure you never leave money on the table. In an uncertain world, it’s revenue that you can count on.

Articles Written by RoomPriceGenie

Are You Forecasting Right? Tips to Optimize Your Hotel Revenue

Running a hotel without forecasting is like driving without a map—you might eventually get there, but not without many unnecessary detours. Forecasting isn’t just for big hotel chains—the independent properties stand to gain the most from a clear picture of what’s ahead. Let’s explore how forecasting can help you to stay one step ahead and turn insights into revenue. What is Hotel Forecasting? Think of forecasting as your property’s crystal ball. Just as weather forecasts

Overbooking Done Right: How to Fill Rooms Without Upsetting Guests

Imagine you're at the front desk, midway through a busy day, when you suddenly realize you’re overbooked. Guests are still pouring in, but you know—awkward conversations and unhappy faces await you. But overbooking doesn’t have to be chaotic. When done strategically, it can increase occupancy and revenue. This article will show you how to master overbooking and turn a stressful scenario into a smooth process. What Does Overbooking in Hotels Look Like? Overbooking can feel

How an RMS Sets You Up for Success in Low Season

For seasonal properties, the low season isn’t just downtime—it’s the perfect opportunity to prepare for future success. Implementing a Revenue Management Solution (RMS) during this period allows you to maximize revenue and hit the ground running when guests start booking again. Here’s how. What Is an RMS and Why Does It Matter? A Revenue Management System is your go-to partner for smarter pricing and inventory decisions. It analyzes data, monitors market trends, and optimizes room

How to Increase Revenue with Minimum Stay Rule: Solving the Case, Sherlock Holmes Style.

Imagine yourself as the Sherlock Holmes of hospitality, piecing together clues to solve the case of boosting your hotel’s revenue. One of the intriguing clues? Minimum stay restrictions. This strategy might seem simple, but when used correctly, it can open the door to higher occupancy rates and increased revenue. In this article, you’ll dive into the mysteries of minimum stay restrictions, revealing when and how to use them to your advantage. What is the Minimum

3 Essential Tips to Maximize Revenue Hoteliers Can Implement Right Away

It's important to have revenue management strategies in place to maximize revenue. Whether you use a revenue management system (RMS) or manage your prices manually, this article covers three essential strategies, recommended by our revenue management experts, to help you stay competitive. 3 Essential Tips to Maximize Your Hotel Revenue In the next sections, you will learn about three crucial strategies that will help you increase your hotel revenue. Strategy 1: Constantly Analyze Your Pick-up

Interview with CEO and Co-founder Ari Andricopoulos of RoomPriceGenie

We're interviewing Ari Andricopoulos, the CEO and Co-founder of RoomPriceGenie. Ari developed automation that helps hoteliers determine the best pricing policy for any given moment. It's not just a flat number, either. But as an easy-to-understand analysis that both provides advice and explains the reasoning behind the decisions. Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Before RoomPriceGenie, I spent fifteen years creating trading algorithms as a partner

5 Reasons Why Implementing RMS in High Season Makes Absolute Sense

Check-in lines, a full luggage store, and you running around, juggling hotel admin work, staff, customer service, marketing, and prices. Welcome to the high season. Amidst this chaos, implementing a new technology solution like a Revenue Management System (RMS) might be the last thing on your to-do list. However, here are five reasons why doing so during this time could be your best strategic move. 5 Reasons for RMS Implementation in High Season Below, you'll

8 Signals Your Hotel Pricing Needs Adjustment

Recent studies reveal that prices perceived as unfair trigger discomfort in consumers, leading to reduced purchases, complaints, and negative reviews. Conversely, fair prices activate pleasure centers, enhancing customer satisfaction.[1] This underscores the importance of finding the sweet spot for your hotel's room prices: the perfect balance between attracting (happy) guests and maximizing revenue. Build a Foundation for Effective Hotel Pricing What's the right price for a business traveler might be the complete opposite of the

8 Tips to Improve OTA Conversion Rates

In the highly competitive world of online hospitality, mastering the art of OTA listings is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. With most travelers making their accommodation decisions based on OTA rankings and reviews, understanding how to climb these ranks and convert interest into bookings is the key to success. Your OTA listing can distinguish between a filled room and one that remains empty. 8 Essential Tips to Help You Improve OTA Conversion Rates But

Supercharge Your Hotel’s Revenue Using Strategic Pricing

In the hospitality industry, strategic revenue management allows hotels to achieve consistent profitability, no matter how the market changes. In revenue management, your goal is to fill rooms and maximize profitability on each booking in peak and off-peak seasons. Strategic Pricing to Increase Your Hotel's Revenue This article will teach you proven tactics to supercharge your revenue using strategic revenue management tactics. 1. The Case for Increasing Your Rates Unlike what most hoteliers think, setting

Hotel RMS Evolution: From Ledgers to Spreadsheets to Cloud-Based Systems

While the evolution of all hotel operational technologies has been a fascinating study, the evolution of hotel revenue management systems (RMS) has been particularly interesting, as it has gone through so many distinct and completely different phrases in a relatively short time (approximately the last ten years). RMS Transformation - From Ledgers to AI Cloud Systems Through this evolution, revenue management systems have transformed how hotels manage their pricing, availability, and distribution – an operational

Tips for Choosing a Revenue Management System for Your Hotel

Revenue management systems (RMS) are a new way of working for the vast majority of hotels – in fact, for most, this kind of software was not even an option before. But times are changing. Property management systems (PMS) are becoming more user-friendly, and such systems can help you simplify your life, save you time, and result in more revenue. Dynamic pricing automation is now available for even the smallest hotels. This article can help

Mythbusters: Revenue Management Technology

Do you run a smaller hotel or B&B that uses only manual processes to manage all your reservations, pricing, and inventory allocation? Have you avoided implementing technology to help support your internal operations because you worried that the solutions would cause more problems than they would solve? If so, then this article is for you! This article focuses specifically on busting commonly held myths about revenue management technology – which is, in fact, one of

Pricing Your Rooms in 2022 – Getting The Best Results in Times of Uncertainty

Cast your minds back to midnight on new years eve. You probably weren’t thinking about your room pricing. But if you had been, would you have felt confident about how demand will play out this year? How much would you bet on being right? If you are in charge of setting prices for a hotel, then a lot of money can depend on not getting it wrong. Usually, given the data from previous years, you

Do Small Hotels Need a RMS? How to Overcome the 6 Challenges?

As a hotelier, you have a lot on your plate. From taking care of your staff and guests to managing your online presence, bills and housekeeping - it’s no easy task. But even so, it is imperative you do not overlook one of the most important things to manage: your hotel revenue. In this article, you will learn what the advantages are of a revenue management system (RMS) for smaller hotels and how it helps

How High and Low Can You Go With Your Hotel Room Pricing?

Behavioural economics is the study of people’s decision-making processes and how they are not always entirely rational. By understanding people’s reactions to the choices available, you are better able to make pricing strategies that maximise your revenue. For example, evidence dictates that ending your prices with the number ‘9’ increases your revenue. If you charge $119, you should see more bookings than if you charge $117 or $120. This is not ‘rational’ as economists would

Quantifying the Benefit of Using Revenue Management Software

When potential clients reach out to Revenue Management Software (RMS) companies, they often have the same question: “How much extra revenue will I make?”. To which the only honest answer is “We don’t know, exactly”. You may come across companies promising 30% or 50% more than you are receiving now. But, in reality, it depends on so many factors; for example, location, competitor behaviour, what the current pricing is like, and whether the revenue management

Basics of Revenue Management for Smaller Hotels

Revenue management stands for “Selling the right product to the right client at the right moment at the right price via the right distribution channel with the best cost efficiency”. But what does revenue management really mean for the extraordinary hotelier? What should you take care of in order to increase the revenue for your property? Basics of Revenue Management Several aspects should be taken into account if you would like to improve your revenue

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