
Revenue Management Blog

Revenue Management Blog2020-07-08T20:21:27+02:00

What Tech Trends Are Impacting Revenue and Guest Experiences In 2023?

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What Tech Trends Are Impacting Revenue and Guest Experiences In 2023? Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Chaya Kowal - Cluster Director Of Revenue Management, Potato Head Family Diego Fernández Pérez De Ponga - Director of Revenue Management, Palladium Hotel Group Pablo Torres - Director, TEDUKA & Hospitality Consultant, Torres Hospitality Consulting Mariska van Heemskerk - Owner, Revenue Management Works Fabian Bartnick

Streamlining F&B Operations: Revenue Management Strategies for Success

In today's competitive landscape, optimizing revenue and maximizing profitability is crucial for success in the food and beverage (F&B) industry. F&B establishments need to implement effective revenue management strategies to achieve these goals.  Streamlining F&B Operations Businesses can streamline their operations and enhance their financial performance by adopting a systematic approach to pricing, inventory management, and customer segmentation. In this article, you will discover the key revenue management techniques and strategies and their impact on

Strategies to Optimize Your Holiday Park’s Revenue Next Summer

Was your summer a revenue bonanza, or more of a busy bust? The summer busy season is undoubtedly a critical stretch for holiday park owners. For many, it's the time to bolster your budgets and make up for the slower months. While plenty of work must be done to ensure your next summer's guests have an excellent experience, it's also important to consider your approach to revenue management before this flurry of activity begins. Where

15 Strategies to Boost Hotel Food and Beverage Revenue

Managing hotel restaurants may be challenging. Ultimately, one might say maintaining a hotel as a whole is likely enough effort in and of itself, not even to mention trying to figure out how to ensure the hotel restaurant operates to its fullest potential. However, in the long run, it pays to consider ways to boost F&B (food and beverage) sales in your hotel restaurant. 15 Strategies to Boost Hotel Food and Beverage Revenue Below you

Time To Value: A Key Metric to Help You Identify The Best Tech for Your Hotel

Technology is becoming more and more ingrained into the daily operations of today’s hoteliers, with hotel technology itself evolving in leaps and bounds. As hotel tech platforms and tools become more advanced and marketing-savvy, it becomes increasingly difficult for hoteliers to sift through the noise to find the best tools to meet their specific needs. In this article, you'll learn how the Time to Value metric can help hoteliers to decide which technology or software

The Role of Hotel Reception Staff on Revenue Management

Your hotel can do everything right, but if your customers aren’t happy, that can lead to a loss of revenue. Why? Unhappy customers leave negative reviews, and that affects future bookings. The Importance of a Positive Hotel Reputation Recently, while browsing some online property reviews, one stood out. "... we were disappointed by the lack of clarity of the reception that at first had allowed us to keep the room until 16 x then change

The Five Boxes Your New Revenue Management (RMS) Should Check

Today things are different. There's a greater variety of more intuitive RMSs that are easy to use for your team and can be set up faster than legacy systems. Thanks to this development, finding an RMS doesn't have to be hard anymore. In the following article, you'll discover how to find the RMS that will help you do just that. Then, nothing will stand between you and optimized revenue, more efficient processes and higher profits.

Revenue Manager Job Description: What to Look For?

Before embarking on a career in revenue management, reading a comprehensive revenue manager job description can be useful. After all, it is a position with many different responsibilities connected to it, and it is also important to get a sense of the required skills, qualities, and qualifications. In this article,

Revenue Manager: Tasks, Skills, Education, Salary, Courses and More…

The role of a revenue manager is one of the most important within hotels and similar organizations, assisting the business by optimizing financial performance. However, many people remain unclear about exactly what a revenue manager is, what tasks are connected to the job, the level of education required, and the

Revenue Management vs Yield Management

Within the hotel industry, revenue and yield management are two of the most useful tools available to managers, allowing them to maximize the money they make from guests. Although the two concepts are closely linked and share a lot of similarities, there are some important differences too. In this blog

What Revenue Management Trends and Strategies will we see in 2023?

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What are your predictions for the revenue management trends and strategies we can expect to see in 2023? Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Chaya Kowal - Director of Revenue Management, Potato Head Family Dermot Herlihy -

Revenue Management Trends: Latest Developments of 2024

A significant part of getting the most out of a hotel revenue management strategy involves keeping up with the latest revenue management trends and implementing associated strategies while investing in relevant technology. In this article, you can learn all about the latest developments in this area to stay ahead of

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