
Revenue Management Blog

Revenue Management Blog2020-07-08T20:21:27+02:00

Overbooking Done Right: How to Fill Rooms Without Upsetting Guests

Imagine you're at the front desk, midway through a busy day, when you suddenly realize you’re overbooked. Guests are still pouring in, but you know—awkward conversations and unhappy faces await you. But overbooking doesn’t have to be chaotic. When done strategically, it can increase occupancy and revenue. This article will show you how to master overbooking and turn a stressful scenario into a smooth process. What Does Overbooking in Hotels Look Like? Overbooking can feel

Outsourcing Revenue Management: 4 Ways it Benefits Hotels

Revenue management is extremely important within the hotel industry because it allows owners to optimize how they do business, to improve financial results. However, it also requires specific skills and knowledge, which means that it can be more effective to outsource revenue management to a third party that specializes in this area. In this article, you will learn more about revenue management and the benefits of outsourcing. Table of Contents: What Is Revenue Management? Why

4 Reasons Why Resorts Outsource Revenue Management

For resorts, hotels, and other hospitality companies, revenue management is vital, allowing financial results to be optimized. However, many outsource revenue management to a third party rather than handling it internally, because it requires specialist knowledge and tools. In this article, you will learn more about revenue management strategies and some of the key reasons why they are often outsourced. Defining Revenue Management Revenue management is a strategy that maximizes financial results through data and

Optimising Extended-Stay Hotel Revenue

Pricing of extended-stay hotels and serviced apartments, also known as ‘aparthotels,’ has traditionally been a challenge for revenue managers as rates can vary drastically depending on the length of stay a guest seeks. However, it is vital hotel groups enhance their approach to pricing for this sector given the revenue opportunities it presents, especially as long-stay traveller demand ramps back up in 2021. Unique Business Model = Unique Business Challenges Extended-stay hotel rooms differ from

Revenue Management Guide: Calculating Costs & Quality Analysis

As a hotelier, you know many factors go into your room rates. Three of those factors are your costs, current demand, and your hotel’s online visibility. Revenue management is the science of assessing these and other factors and raising your profitability year after year. This article offers a guide to analyzing your costs and improving your analysis with the goal to boost your hotel's profitability. Quick Menu: What Kinds of Hotel Costs Do You Take

Revenue Management in 2021 – Basing Every Decision On Data

In 2020, revenue managers were forced to make a massive shift. Instead of leaning on in-house on-the-books (OTB) data, historical and compset information, you now need to focus on much broader data sets. But collecting and evaluating more data takes your team more time. In this article, you'll learn how hotels can use data for a successful post-covid recovery strategy. Data Gives You a Deciding Edge If your hotel is among the 87% of properties

Revenue Management Automation; Does it Answer All Your Questions?

Over the past year, many discussions about revenue management have come up. This raised the debate around the relevance and importance of historical data. And, of course, the corona crisis tested revenue professionals’ trust in automated tools like Revenue Management Systems (RMS). The latter brought many hotels great results despite the pandemic. This article describes how revenue managers can make the most of automation in revenue management to drive business during recovery. How Automation in

Hotel Room Types & Room Pricing Tips for Hoteliers

Deciding what kinds of accommodation to offer your guests can be complex. In this article, you'll learn about the different types of hotel rooms, how they're categorized, and what types of guests they may attract. You'll learn about room categories based on use, number of occupants, and purpose, as well

How High and Low Can You Go With Your Hotel Room Pricing?

Behavioural economics is the study of people’s decision-making processes and how they are not always entirely rational. By understanding people’s reactions to the choices available, you are better able to make pricing strategies that maximise your revenue. For example, evidence dictates that ending your prices with the number ‘9’ increases

Exploring Hotel Revenue Trends for 2024: Insights & Real-World Examples

The year 2023 has brought about significant changes in the hotel industry, with revenue management practices and trends evolving rapidly. As these trends continue to take shape, their impact will undoubtedly shape strategies and operations well into 2024. This article provides valuable insights into the key factors influencing the financial

Hotel Revenue Management Courses: Information + List of Educators

Hotel Revenue Management is a crucial part of running a hotel. You can maximize revenue and minimize your outgoings by effectively balancing supply and demand. A Hotel Revenue Management Course can help you understand this important topic. Hotel Revenue Management Courses will give you the tools and strategies you need.

What Is Hotel Revenue Management?

For those operating in the hotel industry, revenue management is a key concept, as it enables hotel owners to predict levels of demand and optimize things like distribution and pricing in order to maximize financial results. In this article, you will learn more about hotel revenue management, why it is

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