
Revenue Management Blog

Revenue Management Blog2020-07-08T20:21:27+02:00

Protecting Your Hotel’s Cash Flow & Improving Asset Valuation

Hotel revenue management plays a central role in protecting, forecasting, and strengthening a hotel's cash flow and overall financial position by enhancing the cash position of the asset. Additional revenue generated by a revenue management system directly flows into the amount of cash available. This higher rate of cash flow—combined with detailed forecasts that enable expense management—has a number of benefits critical to operating through this era of business disruption. Cash Is King From giving

4 Important Trends for Revenue Managers in 2025

Hospitality is always changing. However, the current pace of change feels faster than ever, which throws up both challenges and opportunities for those within the industry. For revenue managers, the real question isn’t just about managing change – it’s about how to harness that change to drive profitability and long-term growth. 4 Trends for Revenue Managers in 2025 Revenue optimization in hospitality has always been a balancing act, but the factors influencing pricing strategies, distribution

Potential Impact of ChatGPT and other LLMs on the Booking Process

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: How might the use of ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLM) affect the booking process? What impact might they have on revenue management? (Question by Massimiliano Terzulli) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Massimiliano Terzulli - Revenue Management Consultant, Franco Grasso Revenue Team Oleksii Kapichin - Revenue Management Professional Pablo Torres - Director, TEDUKA Tanya Hadwick - Group Revenue & Yield

Onboarding for Different Revenue Management Team Levels

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: How Does the Onboarding Process of Revenue Management Teams Differ According to Level? Which Topics Should Be Emphasized for Each Level? (Question by Daniel Feitosa) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Heiko Rieder - Vice President Business Development, Hirmer Hospitality and Travel Charme Hotels Alenka McMahon - Managing Director, HOTEL REVENUE SERVICES LIMITED Patrick Wimble - Founder & Managing Director, Lightbulb Consulting

The On-Site or Remote Work Debate in Hotel Revenue Management

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: As there has been a significant increase in hybrid and remote working over the last few years, should the role of revenue manager be on-site or remote? And why? (Question by Oleksii Kapichin) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Tamie Matthews - Sales & Marketing Consultant, RevenYou Connor Vanderholm - CEO, Topline Diego Fernández Pérez De Ponga - Director of Revenue Management,

Rethinking Off-Season: Revenue Strategies Hoteliers Need to Follow

Unless you’re operating a ski resort or fortunate enough to have a property located in a year-round warm-weather travel destination, the autumn and winter months can be particularly slow for hoteliers. These low-season booking conditions can lead to some hoteliers adopting an ‘a busy hotel is a successful hotel’ strategy, accepting lower-rated business and relying on the in-house spend on food & beverage, spa, and ancillary services to boost revenue. While it might seem like

Quantifying the Benefit of Using Revenue Management Software

When potential clients reach out to Revenue Management Software (RMS) companies, they often have the same question: “How much extra revenue will I make?”. To which the only honest answer is “We don’t know, exactly”. You may come across companies promising 30% or 50% more than you are receiving now.

The Benefits of Offering Multiple Payment Methods at Your Hotel

The world of hotel payments is everchanging. New payment methods are constantly being introduced into the market, from cash and bank transfers to credit cards and digital wallets. To satisfy guest expectations and encourage direct bookings, lodging operators must stay on top of emerging trends and offer the latest payment

The Importance of Benchmarking in Hotel Management

In the dynamic world of hotel management, every day is different. It can feel difficult to find the time to take stock of your property's performance, which can be a problem in such a competitive industry where staying ahead of the game is crucial. When navigating the industry's complexities, benchmarking

Basics of Revenue Management for Smaller Hotels

Revenue management stands for “Selling the right product to the right client at the right moment at the right price via the right distribution channel with the best cost efficiency”. But what does revenue management really mean for the extraordinary hotelier? What should you take care of in order to

Avoid These 3 Benchmarking Errors for Hotel Revenue Success

As a revenue manager, you're undoubtedly aware of the importance of gauging your hotel's performance to maintain a competitive edge in your market. Yet, how can you be certain that you're genuinely on par with, or preferably ahead of, your competitors? Enter benchmarking for hotel revenue management. Benchmarking for Hotel

Automation in Hotel Revenue Management: Yes, or No?

At the Asian American Hotel Owners Association’s annual event, Tyler Morse, chairman and CEO of MCR Development, recently shared a quote to inspire hoteliers to take revenue maximisation into their own hands: “Increase your rates; do it with confidence. … Stop wasting money … Buy smart technology… This is a

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